Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cling on?

a sexual act whereby one places cling film over their partners face and proceeds to defacate prefusely onto the cling film; with all sensations maintained e.g. warmth, texture, weight, visability etc without any of the unsightly aftermath. This is useful to those unexperienced in brown love but acts as a handy tool in their sexual games.

" steven, you know that sexual technique you suggested last tuesday, what was it called again "
" i believe it was clinging wendy, all the sensations of brown love minus the mess! "
" well....are you busy now "
" they don't call me steven the clinging bastard nothing sweet cheeks "

👍89 👎65

Cling on - video


Cling on - what is it?

The female genitalia. Also known as a pussy, vagina or snatch.

I'm going to get me some clinge!

I'm going to get me some pussy!

👍85 👎49

What does "Cling on" mean?

2.friendly yet annoying
A term used for a social and academic loser who, in a desperate attempt to re-gain popularity, befriends an individual to the near point of stalking them.

dave is a cling-on. Get him away from me

👍153 👎97

Cling on - what does it mean?

little pieces of faeculent matter that get caught in hair whilst defaecating. Usually in men with particularly hairy arses.

I took a very relaxing dump, but spent a while cleaning up due to the presence of multiple cling ons that arose.

👍171 👎95

Cling on - meaning

Grip, Stick, Hug, Adhere, Hang, Fit Tightly, Clutch

the love that clings to your heart

👍121 👎57

Cling on - definition

A dude so desperate that he hits on every woman to the point of becoming a nuisance. He will orbit around women while they are trying to work, believing he is saying what they want to hear, but is actually beyond annoying and disruptive.

Clings aree often asked to leave or are banned from premises, but they won't learn and will keep at it.

"ugh, a cling came into my work today, he literally followed every woman around the store asking everyone out, security had to ask him to leave. We couldnt even get work done"

👍247 👎15

Cling on - slang

Similar to a dingle-berry, a crusty cling-on is a dried up piece of poo that gets caught up in an unkempt and unwashed hairy ass of a man. Or a woman that has a hairy ass, though that's more of a rarity.

Dude I used a whole roll of toilet paper after the dump I left in the can last night but still got crusty cling-ons hanging off my ring beard!

👍413 👎17

Cling on

A boy who likes to try and rape peoples arms and then go into a closet and fuck himself.

Lewis will you please stop rapin that i dont think it likes it.

👍43 👎153

Cling on

Relatives who hang around waiting for the rich older person to die so they can get first dibs on what was left behind.

They never showed any interest or care in this relative until the later years so *hopefully* they'll be left money after they pass away.

At one point throughout their pathetic lives, they told a rich, aging relative how much they love their fine china, silverware collection etc.

At family gatherings, they will show up half an hour early and leave a half an hour late so they:
a) get as much free food as possible
b) get as much free booze as possible
c) appear to be the most loving relative EVER

I'm not going to Aunt Ella's 80th birthday party until after the cling ons have left.

👍31 👎19

Cling on

When a female starts talking to a guy and is instantly obsessed with him. goes to all means to attach herself to him. multple phone calls and text messages may occur till she knows exactly what he is doing.

olesia is cling on to him like a fat kid loves cake.

👍139 👎101