Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Clam down?

Foreplay done on a woman before the fucking goes down

Man you gotta Clam the Fuck Down to get her really in the mood

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Clam down - video


Clam down - what is it?

Shut up and squat. A variation on the famed 'Keep clam!' of Ivor's Acres of Clams in Seattle, Washington. Problem is, it sounds like a back-formation for 'clam up', which it is not, sort of.

You didn't lose your billfold. Look through the car. You'll find it. Just shut up and clam down.

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What does "Clam down" mean?

when a girl jumps into a body of water and accidentally gets smashed by a rock in her 'parts' leaving her unable to swim to shore


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Clam down - what does it mean?

The feminine version of Dicked Down. When a girls pussy rides you hard all night and drains you if all your man juice.

Him: I totally dicked you down.

Her: Naw, i clammed down that dick!

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Clam down - meaning

to shut up and drop the subject.

Her: nag, nag, nag, blah, blah, blah.
Him: Ho, clam down.

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Clam down - definition

It’s not calm down it’s clam down

Cara-β€œclam down brodksi”
Bria-β€œITS CALM”
Cara-β€œno it’s clam”

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