Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cilia's?

A cute girl with a big heart, who loves shawn mendes and doggos. If you're on a date with her, dont be surprised if she will pay more attention on a dog walking by, than paying attention to you. Even tho she's a quite positive person, she is a shy person and doesen't like talking so much.
Cilia is quite intelligent, even tho most people denie this because of her incompetence. One more thing which makes her cute.

Watch out if you talk to her, she might think that you're not a cool person, and will show that to you.
The correct translation of her name is simply beautiful.

Hey, look at that Cute girl over there!
Oh, you mean Cilia?

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Cilia's - meme gif

Cilia's meme gif

Cilia's - video


Cilia's - what is it?

Eating Quinoa on a black man's stomach while she rides him and thinks about her best friends father.

Doing the dirty cilia

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What does "Cilia's" mean?

The kindest heart, very very protective, loving person, sentimental, and an amazing human being,She will do anything for her children she is AMAZING

Kids-what’s your moms name

Ana-my moms name is Cilia

Kids-wow your lucky

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Cilia's - what does it mean?

a name for a beautiful loving girl. Cherish her for her gorgeous personality and her hot as figure. Cilia's usually are friends with everyone, she will basically me a people magnet (especially to boys). Cilia's are beautiful inside and out and will have an amazing physique. If your a boy and you meet a Cilia, you will probably fall for her instantly, but be careful because there will probably be a lot of competition for her. Once you have a Cilia's heart, you will have it for as long as you treat her well. If you are a boyfriend of a Cilia, then you are a very lucky boy, she will be one of the most special and passionate lovers out there. If you find a Cilia then she will make you the happiest person on earth, she will always listen to you and want to help. if you are down, Cilia will instantly cheer you up even if she's down. You will always feel better for seeing a Cilia. A Cilia will also be the best friend that you could ever have, she will always know what to say and what to do. Cilia's are often very smart girls with an amazing sense of humor. Some of her hobbies are hanging with friends and boys and also academics. If you ever find a Cilia then you are very lucky, make sure you become friends because she will be one of the best that you have ever had. Always cherish a Cilia because she will be a very special person in your life.

Cilia broke up with her boyfriend. Should I ask her for a date

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Cilia's - meaning

hairlike projections on a cell that help it move around. sometimes mistakened for flagella.

organisms in the bacteria kingdom use cilia as a form of mobilization.

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Cilia's - definition

When you enter an empty club and proceed to break out your dance moves, before being pounced upon by underage cougars (who appeared out of nowhere), who desire your human flesh but you reject them as you wish to know them personally before engaging in animalistic behaviour.

"Damn Johnny those girls wanted you!"
"ye but I'm not just gonna get with them once and never see them again"
"Dafuq dont you be pulling The Cilia on me!"

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Cilia's - slang

Cilia is a really cute girl with a great personality and big heart. You can be really happy if she is your friend, no one will ever be like her. She is incredibly beautiful on the inside and out. A person who you shouldn't lose in your life.
Oh and she loves Doggos. If you're on a date with her and a dog walks by, don't be surprised if she will pay more attention to the dog, than paying attention to you.

"Do you know that cute girl over there?"
"Oh, you mean Cilia?"

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Cilia is a person that is very interesting, intelligent, and cool. She likes to be around people and are often a people magnet. She has a fun, courageous personality and has a loud voice to make sure people can hear her. She will always get what she wants for her logical reasoning. She is willing to learn and is passionate for her dreams. She has hope and thinks about those around her. She is considerate, organised, positive, and is well mannered. Never be mean to a CILIA you will regret it.

Cilia your such a nice person

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a name for a beautiful loving girl. Cherish her for her gorgeous personality and her hot as figure. Cilia's usually are friends with everyone, she will basically be a people magnet (especially to boys). Cilia's are beautiful inside and out and will have an amazing physique. If your a boy and you meet a Cilia, you will probably fall for her INSTANTLY, but be careful because there will probably be a lot of competition for her. Once you have a Cilia's heart, you will have it for as long as you treat her well. If you are a boyfriend of a Cilia, then you are a very lucky boy, she will be one of the most special and passionate lovers out there. If you find a Cilia then she will make you the happiest person on earth, she will always listen to you and want to help. if you are down, Cilia will instantly cheer you up even if she's down. You will always feel better for seeing a Cilia. A Cilia will also be the best friend that you could ever have, she will always know what to say and what to do. Cilia's are often very smart girls with an amazing sense of humor. Some of her hobbies are hanging with friends and boys . If you ever find a Cilia then you are very lucky, make sure you become friends because she will be one of the best that you have ever had.

Cilia broke up with her boyfriend. Should I ask her for a date

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