Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Chunked?

Southern for chuck it

1. to discard

2. to toss

1 That hose is busted. We should just chunk it.

2. When your done with the twine, chunk it over here.

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Chunked - meme gif

Chunked meme gif

Chunked - video


Chunked - what is it?

a variant of "chune", meaning the song playing is one you thoroughly enjoy. Also variant of "this is my jam".

*song plays*
Dom: this is my chunk!

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What does "Chunked" mean?

A fat Asian.
A large piece.

My friend Kevin Yao is a chunk all he does is eat and sleep all day.

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Chunked - what does it mean?

Going to a restaurant and ordering the most expensive thing on the menu.

You really pulled The Chunks on me tonight dear.

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Chunked - meaning

term used in the bay area to throw down, fight.

me and this foo bout to chunk it wit these poodles you down

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Chunked - definition

(v.) The improper act of having, or trying to have intercourse with a large woman, typically on a weekend night. Derives from the word chunker. A large woman can be referred to as a chunker.

"Yo bro, lets finish this beer and go out to this party. If I get really drunk tonight I might go chunking"

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Chunked - slang

An informal word for a best friend in Malayalam. Same as the words bro, homie, mate, dude etc. More oftenly used in online language

Kurach paisa tharaanundo chunke
(You have some money to borrow, homie?)

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It’s the best β€œchunk” of the year. It can loosely be defined as the time frame in the year when one most commonly finds themselves drinking hot apple cider. It falls over September, October, November, and December.
But it begins and ends with a feeling so the above is debatable. It’s about warm houses, blankets, and fire places. Tea, hot chocolate, and chai lattes. It’s pumpkin spice muffins and comfort food. it’s crunchy atmospheric decoration be it leaves or snow. It’s rosy cheeks and warm hearts. turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes. Sweaters and socks and boots and leggings and hats and mitts, and jean jackets or just plain jeans. It’s colors and cinnamon.

β€œOh, I’m so glad that the chunk has finally arrived, it gives me an excuse to use up this bulk package of cinnamon and wear every single sweater I own.”

β€œHey Mom, you making hot apple cider or something? it smells pretty chunky in here.”

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When a person excretes inside their clothes, so much so that chunks of poo are left

It can be used for banter purposes

Jonny: Oh mate, I've just chunked myself

Ed: Wow, that's just dirty! I bet you stink

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The act of sucking a mans genitalia and being so drunk that you throw up your drunken dunkin donuts all over his appendage.

Dude, Stacy just chunked on Logan's cockmeat at the house of guydance!!

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