Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Chinoy?

Filipino citizens with big chunks of Chinese ancestry who are mostly rich and privileged, with some being middle-class. Their culture is associated with money and business.

The Chinoy boss made a deduction from his worker's salary for being late.

Her Chinoy friend looked down on the poor for being ignorant.

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Chinoy - meme gif

Chinoy meme gif

Chinoy - video


Chinoy - what is it?

A tight-arse strainer that's Chinese, and difficult to understand. I.E. Kirk Barry

Kirk Barry is such a One-Towel Chinois

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What does "Chinoy" mean?

Meaning : FBI's chinese
Common French expression used on Internet, in the 8h00 PM show "Les Guignols (The Fools, a satarical show animated by puppets)" broadcast on the french private channel Canal+, the "Guignols" think that " Les Chinois du FBI" were following Marie-José Perec (famous French runner) during 2000's Sydney's Olympic Games.
Now this term is often used in Internet, it is very related with computer science news.

La faute aux Chinois du FBI!
(FBI's chinese fault!)
Est-ce que les Chinois du FBI me surveillent?
(Do FBI's chinese are big brothering/monitoring me?)

👍41 👎17

Chinoy - what does it mean?

Meaning : FBI's chinese
Common French expression used on Internet, in the 8h00 PM show "Les Guignols (The Fools, a satarical show animated by puppets)" broadcast on the french private channel Canal+, the "Guignols" think that " Les Chinois du FBI" were following Marie-José Perec (famous French runner) during 2000's Sydney's Olympic Games.
Now this term is often used in Internet, it is very related with computer science news.

La faute aux Chinois du FBI!
(FBI's chinese fault!)
Est-ce que les Chinois du FBI me surveillent?
(Do FBI's chinese are big brothering/monitoring me?)

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Chinoy - meaning

a food dish of quebecois origin, made up of layered ground beef, corn and potatoes. People with the last name Gauthier enjoy pate chinois everyday. Pate Chinois is the antithesis of broccoli.

"Whats for supper Mr Gauthier?" "Pate Chinios." "Pate Chinious again!??!"

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Chinoy - definition

a person with a mixture of both Chinese and Filipino blood. Chinoy's are usually half Chinese. they get most of their features from their Chinese side more than their Filipino side.
They come with cute narrow eyes and fair skin tone.

(cute Filipino girls talking)
girl#1: Who's that cute guy over there? he looks so foreign...
girl#2: Oh that! He's a chinoy... we can talk to him cuz' he's part Filipino and speaks tagalog.
chinoy: kamusta kayo? (means "how are you?" in tagalog)
girl#2: (talks to girl#1) see, i told you so...

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Chinoy - slang

a filipino and chinese guy

My dad is chinese and my mom is a pinay; therefore, im a chinoy.

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A person of Chinese and Filipino blood or one who has a Mother/Father of Chinese or Filipino background and a Mother/Father of Chinese or Filipino background.

My Mother is Filipino(pinoy) and My Dad is Chinese(i think it's chinx or something) so i'm Chinoy. True Story you know.

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