Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Chanely?

Taylor Ross is a specie that is unable to communicate and also unable to fornicate with other species of the human race, unfortunately if he comes in contact with penis he becomes infertile



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Chanely - what is it?

She’s a really smart person and she loves everybody and she is very king and gives with a good heart sometimes crazy ,jealous and psycho . She is powerful and tall

Chanely is too jealous

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What does "Chanely" mean?

Argentine way to say that something takes you by surprise. Chan is an onomatopoeic word for amazement & Lanzani is a failed Argentine actress who was dismissed by program of TV at live by Mr. Gerald Sofovich. The term was popularized and created by the tv show "Duro de Domar" by Roberto Petinatto & "El locutor". Lanzani de Chanes literally means: Lanzani of chanes. It is similar to say "Lluvia de Chanes"

Robert: Your mother suck's
Locutor: Lanzani de Chanes
Robert: xD ELO, Edgar give me a hug

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Chanely - what does it mean?

Argentine way to say that something takes you by surprise. Chan is an onomatopoeic word for amazement. The term was popularized and created by the tv show "Indomables" by Roberto Petinatto. Lluvia de chanes literally means: Rain of chanes. It is similar to say "Hot Damn"

Friend 1: Jorge, me ganΓ© la loterΓ­a, me compre un ferrari y me coj* a tu madre
Friend 2:Lluvia de chanes
Jorge: IΒ΄m a kill ya mudafucka

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Chanely - meaning

bloating up someone by false praise. Appreciating someone for something trivial. Literally it means dont hoist me on a tree(small)

Tu muze chane ka zhaad par mat chadha, achha pehchanti hoon.

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Chanely - definition

Chane Chanoi is a long-lost holiday of the Jewish people. It celebrates when the first jew, Jewsias Jewenstein -after whom the religion is named- first spotted the sacred stork of judaism flying above the river Jordan. Chane Chanoi!

Hey, what are you doing for Chane Chanoi this year??

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Chanely - slang

A verb that means to have unconsentual relations with one's senile old mother. Originates from when Christine Weston Chandler had unconsentual relations with his senile 80 year old mother.

"Why did Jeff go prison?"
"He was caught Chris-Chaning."
"Holy shit, that boy ain't right"

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A simple agreement or welcome. Used more or less in the context of a "Hells yeah".

"This shits tight!"

"Chaneed brotha"

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Getting fucked over by the man or just by life in general.

"Hey get back to work'! Fuck, man I've been chaned.

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Chane is the name of a really awesome dude. Usually they're sarcastic, over enthusiastic, and kind of a smart ass, but generally they're fun to hang out with.

Person 1: Hi Chane!

Chane: HI!!!

Person 1: Do you want to hang out?

Chane: No I'm too busy not hanging out with you.

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