Definder - what does the word mean?

What is compre?

Dem is hoes an love a pack juice

Girl I don’t want no compre boys

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compre - meme gif

compre meme gif

compre - video


Compre - what is it?

Ah compre man is the most loyal most caring person and dey cud bull good to plus some en dem is big gangsters so yuh protected dey

Suzie: dala wha kinda man u does f**ck wid?
Dala: compre manπŸ•Ί
Suzie:ahhh yk ting yk ting

Dala:compre man is d best

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What does "compre" mean?

Compre gyal does rhell horn tbh but if dey rhell love yuh dey go ride fuh yu which is hardly ever but yk. Dey better with situationships than relationship plus dey cld give good sp

Johnny: wa skol ur gyal goin bhai?
Armani:my gyal issa compre gyal saddis
Johhny: ahh dy ting dy ting

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Compre - what does it mean?

They always dogging behind man with bus and big chain

De last time i tell kcaj i knock 2 tings i meet last week he say must be some compre girls

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Compre - meaning

to understand or comprehend

OMG! I totally compre now!
Do you compre?

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