Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Chalking?

To severely mess up.

*context, playing warzone*
Fuck, I landed late. I chalked it.

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Chalking - meme gif

Chalking meme gif

Chalking - video


Chalking - what is it?

To let someone know to stop something. To bring to mind the imagery of someone drawing a big X, with chalk, through your idea.

"Hey! Let's dress up as Flamingos for Halloween!"
"Nah Fam. Chalk it."

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What does "Chalking" mean?

The feeling or sense that all hope is lost and the current circumstance will only end in sadness and disappointment.

This game is chalked bro. Iā€™m about to lose full.

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Chalking - what does it mean?

A new form of photo trend involving a mini slate chalkboard and writing messages on it in random places and taking photographs to post on social media sites. Very popular amongst bars and tourist spots. Can also use an iPad/tablet with a chalkboard app.

"I'm bringing my chalkboard to the bar and getting everyone to do some chalking for my birthday photos!"

"I did some chalking in Times Square and posted it on the photo chalking Facebook page"

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Chalking - meaning

The awesome event in which you and a group of homies get some chalk and choose a random person's house- You should probably somewhat know the person. Then one of your homies lies down in the driveway of the random person and you outline the body like a dead person. You then take a picture and post to Facebook, Twitter, or whatever shabang you use and let the person find and outline of a body in their driveway!

"Bro!!!! Let's totally go chalking at Martin's house!"

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Chalking - definition

The act of chomping gum while talking.

I couldn't understand that politician at all with all of his chalking on that wad of gum

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Chalking - slang

When a guy is trying to pick up a girl. It is more of an 80's and 90's term used in the Southeast. It is similar to rapping to a girl or trying to hook up.

Hey bro that girl is fine I am going to go chalk on her. I'm straight up chalking like an espendog.

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When you're walking to your destination at a very slow, relaxing, leisurely pace, i.e. a combination of chilling and walking.

Guy: Why are we walking so damn slow?

Other Guy: Relax dude, we're chalking.

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A new age form of vandalism started in the sha involving a group of people and a bucket of chalk. They go to the victim's house and write random messages and draw random pictures. sometimes even gifts are left. i.e. soda cans, toys, pet supplies etc.

-Did you hear there was a chalking last night?
-Dag yo, they chalked me too!

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When a guy utilises his erect penis to grind open, away, forward to any one and or all orifice in an up and down fashion.

"Dude, I was chalking Sally so much I thought I was going to be left with a stub".

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