Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cerebrum?

when the government messes up your speech to try to denigrate you, discredit your testimony, or take you to jail.

The cerebrum cork hurt Rick Perry in the polls, minorities in court, and made people that are sober be caught for DUI.

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Cerebrum - meme gif

Cerebrum meme gif

Cerebrum - video


Cerebrum - what is it?

The moment when your brain splits up and fails in memorizing something important, but instead gives you two options which will cause you a huge amount of stress that day, especially when in the office.

John: Hey Bob, I am going to get some coffee would you like some?
Bob: Wait John!
John: ???
John: About what?
Bob: The moment I left the house, I remember taking my phone with me, but I can't find it anywhere!
John: ... So did you lose it somewhere?
Bob: Maybe. Perhaps I just forgot it at home.
John: Yeah... or you lost it on your way to work.

Adam: Hehehe. What a Cerebrum Failure..

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What does "Cerebrum" mean?

The Right Lateral Hemisphere, Dominant half of the cerebrum,is the upper, front portion of the brain connected by the corpus callosum, which is a large bundle of nerve fibers. Is for visual and intuitive processing,immediate relationship with physical bodies (our own as well as others) and external reality as represented by the senses, a relationship that makes it the mediator, the first and last stop, of all experience.

The dominant hemisphere within the brain, Is called the "Mastithesis Cerebrum".

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Cerebrum - what does it mean?

Most interior part of the brain in vertebrates. It helps with the sensory and neural functions.

You must be using your cerebrum to do that.

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