Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cash it?

Is the hottest guy you will ever meet. But often miss your chance with him. He is usually mega pogue. You need him in you life

Dude I want Cash

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Cash it - video


Cash it - what is it?

awesome hardcore/punk band.

no cash is damn good.

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What does "Cash it" mean?

Another word that means cool.

I have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash).

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Cash it - what does it mean?

when something...
-is gone/run out
-is tired
-has become boring
-has become stupid
-has reached the end of its useful life

don't use that lighter, it's cashed, man.

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Cash it - meaning

To have the pot in your bowl all smoked up, to where youre left with ashes.

Jay "Is it cashed?"
Leo ::Takes Hit::"Yup"

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Cash it - definition

1) The state of a marijuana receptacle whose contents have been thoroughly exhausted, leaving behind an ash residue. The "cash point," or point at which the receptacle is to be retired or repacked, is often heatedly debated among marijuana smokers; some choose to incinerate the entire contents of the bowl until all said marijuana has been dissipated, while others choose to repack as soon as it begins to adopt a black hue.

2) Certain circles (particularly youth) have adopted the "cashed" adjective as the universal term for a status of depletion.

1) "This bowl is cashed. Shall I repack?"

2) "This bag of Funyons is cashed-ass. Take the empty bag to the trash and grab me some Oreo's from the kitchen. Bitch."

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Cash it - slang

A nerdy way of saying ass. (Can also be used by geeks.) Used mostly to be cool, even though it's not.

a.k.a : @$$

*Hot Girl Walks By Nerd*

*Nerd Runs Home to Computer*

Nerd : Oh, my, god, that girl had a nice "at cash cash" if you know what im saying!

Guy : Fuck off..

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Cash it

Cash Cash is an amazing band!!!
They are very fan friendly, amazing musicians, and have great futures. They used to be called The Consequence until March 2008 when they changed their name to Cash Cash.

"Have you heard Cash Cash's song Party in Your Bedroom?!"
"Yeah! It's amazing!"

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Cash it

An exciting techno–pop group from the town of Roseland, New Jersey. The band consists of Jean Paul Makhlouf (vocals, guitar), Alex Makhlouf (keyboards, programming), Samuel Frisch (vocals, bass), and Anthony Villacari (drums, percussion). Their sound is electric, up beat, and overall fun!

I went to the AMAZING Cash Cash concert last night!

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Cash it

Passing a water pipe with ash in it for someone else to hit because they couldn't bong it. Either passing it to say fuck you to the next person, or just being a dumbass and not realize your handing an empty pipe.

Noob: *Cough, cough* Here, cash it man.

Stoner: Dip shit don't pass me an empty pipe. Now I have to ash it to pack a fresh bong.

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