Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cande?

Cande is a loving spiritual woman. Any man would be lucky to have a girl like Cande. Candes are rare and are 1 in 8 Billion. If you have a Cande consider yourself blessed.

WOW Cande sure knows how to cook.

đź‘Ť25 đź‘Ž11

Cande - meme gif

Cande meme gif

Cande - video


Cande - what is it?

A cande is someone artificial. This is a term to describe someone who is not real and an undercover hater. Alike to the term “Karen” (someone usually racist towards poc and a big hater for no apparent reason other than being a Karen), a “cande” is a hater to everyone and doesn’t race discriminate. Everyone can experience a “cande”. Generally their Display of personality is one that is unaligned to who they are on regular day to day I.e., displaying “fake” support and “throwing shade” out the blue. A cande is usually referring to someone of female sexual orientation. This is a fraudulent woman can sometimes be a midlife crisis, a cry for attention or help. Usually a cande is a person with extreme hidden negative energy, a hater and unauthentic.

Girl #1 : “she not even all that…”
Girl #2 : “ight, cande”

Person: “why can’t she just have a regular mid life crisis”
Other person: “girl, she’s a cande”

đź‘Ť25 đź‘Ž11

What does "Cande" mean?

An artificial woman. Fake friend. Unauthentic.

“Ain’t shit sweet but I’m eating cande up for breakfast”

-therealluxxluxx (American multi-genre recording artist)

đź‘Ť25 đź‘Ž11

Cande - what does it mean?

things that fit in your mouth

hey bob candes (bob) candes what? CANDES NUTS FIT IN YOUR MOUTH

đź‘Ť25 đź‘Ž11

Cande - meaning

A baby produced by a member of marching band and color guard. See Band Babies

Who do you want to have Cand Babies with?

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Cande - definition

CandS Studios is a YouTube channel that makes videos about video games and movies, he also makes great conspiracy videos that are so funny you'll shit and piss yourself. He is also great at not being consistent, I mean come on you say you will upload every Saturday but NOTHING, I LIVE FOR THESE VIDEOS. Oh and also he's good friends with Scott the woz

Wow I wish I could be as funny as CandS Studios

I wish CandS Studios was more consistent

I wish people would stop copying CandS Studios because they are just crap Minecraft channels

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Cande - slang

It’s the doppelganger that is born out of trademark disputes. It’s what happens when a company is faced with a cease and desist and wants to come to agreeable terms without sacrificing its packaging design and product recognition. It's a name that is different but so similar it's unlikely anyone will notice.

It’s too bad that name was taken, maybe we can come up with a Cand Hannon version instead.
We have to stop using the name Hand Cannon; let’s go with Cand Hannon instead.

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A guy with the most wonderful eyes ever! The sweetest smile there is. He's funny, loving, caring, awesome and so much more! He seems to not ever know how much he is loved..maybe one day. He is the best. Gorgeous and Tall, which is a plus. His voice is the perfect tone and his touch heart-warming. Nothing compares!!!

The moment i first saw Cande, he took my heart, without knowing.
Cande is like no other.

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