Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cadogan?

Callie Cadogan is a character from the 100. For the record, she was very smart, she even created her own language at the age of 10

Callie Cadogan is awesome

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Cadogan - what is it?

Guitarist for Third Eye Blind who played on and wrote music for their first two albums, was in the band from about 1993 to 2000. Soon after formed a band called Cousin Kevin, and now, after joining alt/pop-rock supergroup Radio Angel with drummer Eric Stock from Stroke 9, is exploring a solo career.

In other words: BADASS. The most amazing guitarist ever.

Check out the guitar solo on the extended version of "Red Summer Sun." "Narcolepsy" and "Wild and Forgotten" (solo song) are sick too. Kevin Cadogan can wail, man, but he has class.

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What does "Cadogan" mean?

(Kalliope Pramfleimkepa) The very first flamekeeper in the CW series: The 100. She appeared in episode 7.08 'Anaconda', which is the prequel backdoor episode. Callie (Calliope) Cadogan is the daughter of Second Dawn founder Bill Cadogan and doctor Grace Cadogan. She has a brother, Reese Cadogan. She is played by Iola Evans and also appeared in the final episode of The 100 'The Last War', where a judge takes Callie's form, as Bill's 'Greatest teacher, greatest failure & greatest love'. She is the main character of the prequel series titled "The Second Dawn"

Callie Cadogan is only 18 years old when a nuclear apocalypse destroys the Earth that she was once fighting for, as a member of 'Tree Crew', an environmentalist protest group that she joined after dropping out of M.I.T. - This is when we find out that the Trikru clan originated from Tree Crew.

Callie Cadogan is smart, headstrong and caring. At the age of 10, she studied Latin and came up with the 'grounder language', known as Trigedasleng.

Someone: Does Bill Cadogan have a daughter?
Me: Yes, Callie Cadogan, she was the first flamekeeper.

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Cadogan - what does it mean?

A dang cutie pie

Wow Jake Is such a Cadogan

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Cadogan - meaning

An amazing guy who loves his catchphrase: "My name. Is Cadogan. It means battle glory." He's very slay.

Person: Who's that?
Other Person: What do you mean?! It's Cadogan!
Person: Cadogan?
Cadogan: My name. Is Cadogan. It means battle glory.
Person: OHHH its Cadogan!!

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