Definder - what does the word mean?

What is CUX?

(n) A male between the ages of 15 and 25 that one cannot fux with. It is comparable to the word "fuckboy", however a "cux boy" is simply intolerable to anyone with any semblance of social standards.

Greg: Yo i can't fux with that kid, hes such a herb
Ben: I know bro he's such a fuckboy
Greg: Na son, we're fuckboys, he's a cux boy
Ben: Word... cant fux

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CUX - meme gif

CUX meme gif

CUX - video


CUX - what is it?

Dick, Luna for pienis, said kuks.

That guy's got a huge cux.

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What does "CUX" mean?

The act of masturbation or pleasuring oneself by touching one's genitals with a household object. i.e spoon, blender, hose, toothbrush.

1 I cuxed with a calculator last night! It was fucking awesome!
2 Did you hear that Susie can cux? I heard she uses a eyelash curler!

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CUX - what does it mean?

to get joked on or fooled

as adj. cuxish=foolish

you totally got cuxed man, we were jking dawg.

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CUX - meaning

An unidentifiable repulsive substance. Or a splattering of smelly matter that stinks so bad you can't get close enough to identify it.

What is that shit? Man I don't know... smells like CUX!

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CUX - definition

A slang word for weed.

"Yo last night the cops busted my ass for carrying some cux"

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CUX - slang

A popular term used to describe (Cifuentes, 2018) "MAME".

I mamarme a LA cux

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