Definder - what does the word mean?

What is CUM BALLS?

Like a gum ball machine except with cum. Can be found in many gay community restaurants, bars, and establishments.

Tony went to the cum ball machine to get a gum flavored cum ball.

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CUM BALLS - video


CUM BALLS - what is it?

When you run on the treadmill and you cum. Your legs moving will make the cum turn into little balls. This only works for felmales.

Dang, homie.
I be runnin on the treadmill, and I found all these little cum balls all up in my panties! do you believe that shit?!

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What does "CUM BALLS" mean?

Australia crickets answer to Bazball. Between King Usman and Davey dumb dumb opening up, the inbred bros in the middle, ass eater travis being the best batsmen in the world, bad man cam being shit at everything except gully fielding, led by captain cumshot and backed up by half volley Starc and the hunk of sex Boland and being finished off by the GOAT Lyon.

England may have Bazball, but Australia is playing great Cum Ball

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CUM BALLS - what does it mean?

When one rolls up their cum after masterbation and small balls are formed.

Monty, stop making damn cum balls and telling me about it!

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CUM BALLS - meaning

The ball from cum. It is very precious for you because you have take so much time to do your stuff and curve it in to the ball.

Yo, shit did you see my Cum ball? I think I have lost it.

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CUM BALLS - definition

when you juice up in a bitch. then when she stands up a wad of cum falls out.

Damn.. There is a cum ball under that bitches ass

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CUM BALLS - slang

are hacked up by whores if they have swallowed to much cum, can be seen on southpark when Paris Hilton coughs up cum balls,

After swallowing too much cum Lisa hacked-up cum balls.

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It was first discovered thousands of years ago when sugar was crushed and became powdered sugar, when this substance was mixed together with water it makes a very sticky cum like material that is just irresistible. In present day Cum Balls can be mixed with virtuanly anything vodka, pizza, snow and even your very own lady.

Chunkey Vodka Cum Balls (sugar water vodka and snow)

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Cum Balls is the ammunition for a sling shot.

First cum in a condom and blow it up just slightly, Tie it at the end. So its a small ball. Load sling shot and fire.

Hey Abby! Come over here so I can fire my cum balls at you!

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The act of inviting over four male friends, and ejaculating on a soccer ball. The one that cums last loses and gets pelted with the ball.

Bill lost his second Cum Ball tournament in a row.

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