Definder - what does the word mean?


A mixture of blueberry weed and purple haze. This is both a powerful and delicious blend. A favorite of rapper Young Jeezy.

"Frutopia, smoke blueberry. Mix it with that purp, call it cranberry." -Young Jeezy, 'J.E.E.Z.Y'

👍59 👎35

CRANBERRY - meme gif

CRANBERRY meme gif



CRANBERRY - what is it?

a smelly vagina. cranberries equals multiple vaginas

DUUUDE it smells like a cranberry, get the hell out of my car!

👍139 👎95

What does "CRANBERRY" mean?

yes the cranberries rock but who's the dude that says rock my sox? that like my sayin. ur kew. cranberries fukin rok!

Understand the things I say
Don't turn away from me
'Cause I've spent half my life out there
You wouldn't disagree

👍79 👎43

CRANBERRY - what does it mean?

mixture of bluebbery and purple buddz

omg that cranberry im still high

👍95 👎51

CRANBERRY - meaning

having sexual intercourse with a female while she is
on her menstrual cycle.

Hey bro, you remember that girl from last night's party? I totally cranberried her last night!

👍35 👎13

CRANBERRY - definition

Irish alternative rock band

see andyschest

Cranberries rock my socks!

Do you have to let it linger ant?

👍129 👎57


Possibly the most rad-est band in the whole entire world...

The Cranberries are sooo coool...

👍453 👎147


1-An area outside of Pittsburgh that happens to suck more than any black hole ever could.

2-A suicide inducing school district where the yuppie kids spend their parent's money on drugs and vehicles causing an overabundance of horse power and an alarming shortage of common sense on the road.

"Want to go to Cranberry Twp, PA?"
"No, I would rather slam my penis in an over door!"

👍401 👎129


one of the coolest irish bands, or the only one

The cranberries rock!

👍453 👎103


Name relating to the late Dolores O'Riordan , former lead singer from the pop-rock band The Cranberries . Cranberrying is generally when a public figure or person of note passes away. All of a sudden "friends" and "fans" come out of the woodwork to mourn the death of this person they never mentioned they were a fan of prior to their death.

Oh for gods sake...Aimee, who never once mentioned David Bowie in the 13 years I knew her is suddenly painted up like Aladin Sane with Bowies discography on loop for the past week. Total Cranberrying!

Have you seen the Cranberrying all over social media this week? Everyone is all of a sudden Anthony Bourdains biggest fan!

👍27 👎11