Definder - what does the word mean?

What is CORBET?

A mom

You are a Kade Corbet

👍25 👎11

CORBET - meme gif

CORBET meme gif

CORBET - video


CORBET - what is it?

The most chill person you will ever meet, he does lots of sports and is the most popular dude a school and he has a super duper long shlong

Bro CORBET is the best basketball player in the world

👍25 👎11

What does "CORBET" mean?

Verb: To be cockblocked at an extreme level. Usually by someone who is incapable of reading the atmosphere of the situation. Present tense is Corbetting.

See also corbett (n): A master of cockblocking and someone who cannot recognise the obvious.

Awesome guy: Hey you're totally corbetting me!
Corbett: Oh am i?......How?.....I don't get it?
Awesome guy: Read the atmosphere dude! The atmosphere!!
Corbett: (Realises her mistake) OH! I'm sorry!

Awesome guy: OMG I just got corbetted.

👍57 👎21

CORBET - what does it mean?

One of the coolest names you will find around. IT's NOT French and it's with one "T", not 2 dumbasses!

Irish surname, one T, no relation to Corbett

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