Definder - what does the word mean?

What is CHAAA?

a word commonly used by kenny hudson when he is either about too get stoned or is currently stoned

kenny bro watsup u wanna get high? : chaaa dude

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CHAAA - meme gif

CHAAA meme gif

CHAAA - video


CHAAA - what is it?

polite way of saying 'shut up!'

''omg, will u people, CHAAA!!! I cant hear the tv."

"ay you, CHAA! talkiing to loud!

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What does "CHAAA" mean?

The cree way of saying "just kidding!". Not actually the cree language, just slang. Usually used after a sick burn.

Person 1: ey let's go down to Grouard and pick up your cuzzin. She wants to snag
Person 2: what?
Person 1: chaaaa

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CHAAA - what does it mean?

An expression used to describe agreement to ones subject matter.. similar to yeah,yup or yes.. Branded by the group 80s Babyz / Pterodactyl Gang.. Pronounced with a long a sound like "Chad".

Person1:Are u ready to go to the studio?
Person2:CHAAA! I been waiting all day.

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