Definder - what does the word mean?

What is CASSIES?

Cassie is an amazing, loveable, funny, smart, beautiful, and vibrant girl. No matter what happens she bounces back with twice as much sass and confidence.

"That girl Cassie, she's tough as nails I wouldn't mess with her"

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CASSIES - meme gif

CASSIES meme gif

CASSIES - video


CASSIES - what is it?

Some who is beautiful, smart , easy to talk to and kind she often enjoys being the loudest but still always fits in with the crowd no matter who she's with she is the most beutiful caring person and a Cassie and a Gage make a couple any persons jealous of

Wow look at cassie

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What does "CASSIES" mean?

A girl with cute halo eyes and a happy go lucky personality!

that girls a real cassie!

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CASSIES - what does it mean?

To be utterly shitfaced on all nights of the week.

nah man, she was totally cassied

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CASSIES - meaning

The act of being the sexiest person alive.

"Awwww man! Did you see the smokin' chick?!"
"Yeah, she's a Cassie!"

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CASSIES - definition

Cassy is such an amazing person to be around. She gets along with everyone and everyone loves her. She is very funny and Her style is trendy. She is really smart and knows a bunch of facts out of the blue. She also loves animal including birds and hamsters. Her hobbies include dancing, reading, and taking photos. The number one thing you don’t want to do is mess with her snacks! Other than that if you have a Cassy in you life keep her you are very lucky and won’t regret it.

Holy is that cassy?! Wow

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CASSIES - slang

Usually a nickname for 'Cassandra'. Cassy is an outgoing, and fun person. She's amazing to be around, even if she can be a little bossy or pushy at times. She's funny and loves making people laugh with her weird personality! She has a great sense of style, and she loves fashion! You see the latest trend or style, she's probably wearing it! She loves animals, and she's a very kind person. She's also usually quite smart and she ranks high in most of her classes. Some of her hobbies will probably include singing, dancing, reading, and writing. She can be quite a nerd! She might love superheros, or skateboarding, or interests can vary in many different things!

Alice: Did you see that latest trend? So cute, right?
Isabella: Yeah, I'm pretty sure I saw Cassy wearing it!

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A wonderful person to be around. All around Cassie's are smart, beautiful, funny and loyal. Although she may seem shy at first, she will open up and show you her amazing personality. Cassie's make VERY good friends. They are loyal, very forgiving, protective and easy to talk to. Although some people dont realize how great Cassie's really can be. She often has GORGEOUS green eyes! If you know anyone named Cassie, I would get to know her! She will be the BEST friend and or girlfriend you will ever have gaurenteed :)

Wow I just met this girl named Cassie, she is amazing!!!

Damn, look at those gorgeous eyes and hot bod! She is most definitley a Cassie!!!

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Beautiful, but they never admit it. They are very vulnerable, and they fall into peer-pressure often. Sweet, but they can be mean if provoked. Most tend to fall in love with the wrong people, and are very flirtacious. Their laughs are amazing, and they give great hugs.

Awe she's really cool. She must be a Cassie!

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Most funny awesome person ever. She is super smart but doesn't like to admit it. She can be tough, but really she's very sweet on the inside! She's a super loyal friend. She doesn't like to dress up very often but she totally rocks the tomboy look. She can make any situation fun with her witty remarks and sarcasm. She is kind of secretive and closed off at times, but she makes an awesome best friend! She loves her family and truly respects her parents, something not found in most people anymore. Did I mention she'd make a great best friend?!

1. Look at that girl.. She's so cool. She must be a Cassie!

2. This girl asked me if I was a Cassie and I said "Hell no I'm not that smart!"

3. My little brother was backstabbed by his best friend, so he shouted to him, "You're not so Cassie after all!"

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