Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Butter Fuck?

When a man covers his penis in peanut butter and then fucks a girl in the ass. She then shits over his dick and eats the combination of shit and peanut butter

Dude yesterday was valentines day andni gave the girl a reeses peanut butter fuck

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Butter Fuck - video


Butter Fuck - what is it?

Noun: A sexual situation in which a woman of Asian decent in sandwiched between two men of African decent.

Warn your kids not to accept any Reese's Peanut Butter Fucks next halloween.

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What does "Butter Fuck" mean?

When you are so excited to eat your Reese's that you forget to take off the SECOND rapper that is inconveniently the exact same color as the chocolate.

Ex 1:
Person 1: Hey man whatcha eatin?

Person 2: Wassup bro, just a Reese's peanut butter FUCK!

Ex 2:
HAHA screw you guys, I have a Reese's Peanut Butter --- FUCK!!!!

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Butter Fuck - what does it mean?

When a female is allergic to peanut butter and gives you consent to cover you’re penis in peanut butter so when you β€œstick it in” she swells up, creating a perfectly tight hole.

β€œDude... have you ever tried donkey punching you’re girl? it’s great!”

β€œNo my girls allergic to peanut butter, so I can do a good old peanut butter fuck instead, it feels the same it just lasts a hole lot longer!”

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Butter Fuck - meaning

A common disorder that is more severe than just regular butter fingers. This disorder makes almost any type of grasping of the hand on an object impossible. This is due to the fact that their fingers only have one purpose and that purpose is to fuck butter. Butter is no longer on the fingers like butter fingers but it is now being fucked by the fingers. Thus making the fingers way too slippery and too greasy to attempt to grasp and keep a firm grip on any object.

Tom: "Woody how can you not be able to pick up that damn box!?"

Woody: "I have butter fucking fingers sir!"

Tom: "Oh I understand now."

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Butter Fuck - definition

butter-fuck means to screw a guy using butter for lube, and afterward, to make the dude lick your dick clean.

Matt butter-fucked me the other night and made me suck his dick clean!

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Butter Fuck - slang

The art or act of taking a half of a stick of butter and inserting into the vaginal cavity and applying ones penis in a sharp thrusting motion where as the butter provides the lubrication for hateful sex.
Afterwards the said butter can be used to butter your roommate's toast.

Chef Piere growing tired of his assistants incessant bitching, took her to the walk-in for quick hard butter fucking... doggy style.

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Butter Fuck

When the vagina is so wet you just slide right through like butter.

I butter fucked her last night and nutted on a rag

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Butter Fuck

n. a smooth fucking session (not to be confused with the rough stuff in Brando's controversial butter scene in the Bertolucci film Last Tango in Paris)

As he and his wife grew older, he took consolation in the mellow rhythms of a butter fuck in their sleigh bed.

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Butter Fuck

When you fuck a stick of butter because your wife left you. aka sticking a big chunk of butter up your ass

Ex: I made a video on how to butter fuck the right way.

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