Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bunge?

(Verb) To put, chuck or throw something onto or into a place of storage or resting place.

Also, see Bribe

"John, where shall I put your bag?"
"Oh, just bung it in the corner"


"Sally, what should I do with your books?"
"Bung 'em on the shelf please Barry"

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Bunge - meme gif

Bunge meme gif

Bunge - video


Bunge - what is it?

Butthole. Anus. Asshole.

"Bill Gill has the smelliest, nastiest bung hole I have ever encountered."

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What does "Bunge" mean?

(1) A kind of plug or cork designed to close a barrel, drum or keg.

(2) A slang abbreviation for "bunghole", meaning the anus--synonamous with asshole.

(3) verb, to mess up while doing something. Can also mean to have an accident.

(1) help me get the bung out so we can drink this wine.

(2) lick my bung, bitch!

(3) Tommy tried to fix his car, but he just bunged it up!

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Bunge - what does it mean?

noun. asshole, anus, butthole.

yo may, i totally wanna do her in the bung bung

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Bunge - meaning

getting banged up, but even worse. it is when you have surpassed being sauced and are absolutely shitfaced. blacked out drunk.

Man, Bernie and Dj are so fuckin bunged that Bernie is making out with ugly chicks again.

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Bunge - definition

Means anything that is looked at as a bad thing.

Man, this game some bung bung!

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Bunge - slang

NOUN: to be extremely drunk, beyond sauced. blacked out and still drinking.

Me, dj, tj, jon, flup, kevin, cam, and the rest of my boys got bunged, we did 2 power hours and finished a bottle of jose. we are headed downtown.

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Used by Sasha Cohen's character Borat Sagdiyev in 'Borats Guide to America' - referring to the act of sexual intercourse with other men when asking the interviewee about his stance of gay people.

"In Kazakhstan we have men who say they are married, but in secret they do bung bung bung in other man anus.."

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A hoe/thot

Shutup you BUNGE!

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Bunge, the word that can be used to describe anything or anyone.

"Fuck thats so bunge" "Oh my god, you're such a bunge" "That is the bungest thing i have ever seen" "How are ya bunge"

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