Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bullie?

A person who makes fun of others based on their own insecurities about life.

Man that big ugly bully makes fun of all of the smaller ugly people.

👍3457 👎757

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Bullie - what is it?

one that attacks or speaks ill of someone else.

A: k1234567890y is talented, look at the amount of works he has done.
B: but k1234567890y is also a kinda bully, he once went off on his co-worker and made ridiculous and false accusations of that co-worker such as that co-worker is "sinister and bitesome as a cobra"

👍73 👎17

What does "Bullie" mean?

To be aggressive or rude to another person.

Why are you so bulliful all the time, Kyle?

👍73 👎17

Bullie - what does it mean?

That one asshole at your school who in elementary school is a total douche who picks on you but when you get to middle school you let out all your rage after working out all summer and beat the living shit out of him

Elementary school bully: (steals stuff from your backpack) haha try to get it back
Elementary school you: Hey man we can work it out (later trades his lunch for the thing

Middle school bully: (steals stuff from your backpack) haha try to get it back
Middle school you: I WILL FUCKING KICK YOUR BALLS UP YOR THROAT (bully hands back stuff but you do it anyway

👍399 👎71

Bullie - meaning

A young hoodlum who revels in making peoples lives a misery during school years. Happily though, when they grow up they will have nothing more to look forward to than getting anally penetrated every day by fellow prisoners in the shower, or, by the prison wardens truncheon ;D

Bully me all you like loser, you're the one who will walk like John Wayne the rest of your life :D

👍5665 👎1011

Bullie - definition

Bullies are scum, pure and simple. They torment people who can't defend themselves, they revel in the suffering of innocent people who have never done anything to hurt them. They are the REAL reason for the Columbine shootings, they are the main reason for kids dropping out of school, or worse, commiting suicide. It's not just kids who can be bullies, teachers can be even worse, seing as how they have authority over the kids. But when their victims stand up for themselves, their true nature shows: a cowardly, spineless worm.

Bullying is a problem, a much bigger problem than violent video games.

👍1575 👎257

Bullie - slang

an ugly worthless coward who picks on other people

Stop being a bully you ugly coward!

👍381 👎59


Someone who physically and verbally abuses people around them. A human without a nice bone in their body and thinks that it is morally acceptable to constantly bring other people down. Bullies don't usually realise how much of a negative impact they have on their victims because they are extremely selfish.

Chloe is a bully because she always calls her sister ugly.

👍131 👎27


A pathetic human being who uses violence or words to make someone feel worthless just to make his/herself feel better.

That bully has been taking Kayla's lunch money recently.

👍201 👎37


Somebody who hurts others either physically, mentally or emotionally. They can ruin a persons life, just to make themselves feel better

Josephine bullies Kate in English and Religion by saying shes stupid. She's a bully and makes Kate cry.

👍1213 👎177