Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bug eyed?

Nicholas Martin Tuck!!!!
am a bug eyed cum nugget.

You stupid bug eyed cum nugget

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Bug eyed - video


Bug eyed - what is it?

The dumbest thing/person ever.
For someone or something to be extremely dumb. (doesnt see the whole picture)

My sister, Shaquanda, wont listen to me, therefore she's a bug-eyed blackfish.

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What does "Bug eyed" mean?

a person whos eyes are so big they have x ray vision. you usually say this as an insult if the bug eyed person is being mean. U only give this insult to those who really deserve it.

example: Victoria: U look like a real bug eyed bitch today! ur eyes eyes are so big they look like there gunna fall out
Aidan: oh my god!why would u say that

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Bug eyed - what does it mean?

Means a person whose so ugly and so assinine that the person who they are talking to imagines that their eye's would just pop out off their head and walk off.

Commonly only used as an insult.

"Look at that bug eyed bitch!"

"In all honesty, i don't give a shit
what you're saying, because simply,
your a bug eyed bitch."

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Bug eyed - meaning

A slang word used in the 1920's describing a very unattractive woman.

Stacy is not a bug eyed betty, she's beautiful

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Bug eyed - definition

A hard turd lodged in your anus, but once dislodged becomes an explosive fecal fountain

Man, my butt is stretched out from that bug eyed Nancy.

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Bug eyed - slang

People who answer to bug-eyed are bug-eyed. Ignore haters who call you bug-eyed.

Margot-No, I I'm not offended by bug-eyed, I don't take it personal that they don't respect me as a feminist, or that respect is earned and not given, even if you're female. No it's a game to me, I can handle it.

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Bug eyed

1.when your high ur eyes are big and red or small and red
2.Dilated Peoples

dude ur so high ur bug eyed!
-kyle flannnery

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Bug eyed

The widening of eyes due to shock, awe or fear.

The teenager was bug-eyed after meeting Jessica Alba

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Bug eyed

An idiom that refers to the surprised expression in one’s eyes when they’ve seen something amazing or when someone does something extraordinary.

When I saw that nice save by Brodeur on Sportscenter’s Top 10, my eyes were totally bug-eyed!

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