Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Brofriends?

Two hetero guys that share a close friendship that is close to two teenaged girls. Slumber parties, make overs and celebrity crushes included.

Before the Partwii, Lauren, the cyborg, bus surfed over to Mickey D’s with his brofriend Chuck Norris and bought a McGangbang happy meal with the funds that he jacked from his sugar momma after his disco nap that afternoon. Chuck pulled out his phone from his nuthuggers and started sexting a ginger slice with a tramp stamp that he had been friendly following ever since they shared a game of Jager pong. Lauren gave Chuck the air jerk as he noticed Tanasa the grade digger that sat next to him in his art class. Lauren gave her the “let’s just be friends” nod and grabbed his happy meal. As Lauren walked outside he saw, Bruce, the designated drunk, as he started wailing teenybopper show tunes. Bruce was manstrating again and wanted his fix of Dr. Pepper and Big league chew. The night of celebrating Lauren’s nomotion had barely even started and already he was knackered.

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Brofriends - meme gif

Brofriends meme gif

Brofriends - video


Brofriends - what is it?

A combination of "brother" and "boyfriend." It is used by women to refer to an extremely close homosexual male friend, usually whom she finds attractive and often so close as to be like a boyfriend.

Girl 1: Is that her boyfriend? He's so cute!

Girl 2: No.

Girl 1: So he's single?!

Girl 2: No, he's her brofriend.

Girl 1: Damn. The cute ones are always gay.

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What does "Brofriends" mean?

The word someone uses when their boyfriend is more of a bro than an SO.

*Could be a sign of wanting to break up, but also could be a term of endearment. It all depends on who's saying it.

He's a boyfriend, but also a bro! A Brofriend! I get the best of all worlds!

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Brofriends - what does it mean?

Adj. Describing the relationship with a woman that can be best placed somewhere between brother and boyfriend. Having almost, but not quite "coupling", the relationship cools to a protective buddy state, often never going further.

"Yeah we almost kinda dated for a while, but now I'm just her brofriend."

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Brofriends - meaning

A term to define a group of two or more men who appear to be more than "just friends", but without evidence enough to suggest otherwise.

You see the way those two guys keep looking at each other? I think they might be brofriends.

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Brofriends - definition

You're only a bro, not a boyfriend

only homies

Hey brofriend!

Dude, chill, you're my brofriend

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Brofriends - slang

A term used to define a close friendship with one or more heterosexual males. Spoken from a male perspective, the classifier 'brofriend' can be used similarly to the way a women may refer to her close female friends as 'girlfriends'. Thus avoiding the potential awkwardness of refering to ones male friends as boyfriends.

Note: Avoid using the abbreviated 'bf' since this may be misunderstood as a shorthand abbreviation for 'boyfriend'.

"WHAT!? No no we're just brofriends. There is totally a difference!"
- In response to using the abbreviated 'bf'.

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Two men who share special bond. The relationship between best friends and brothers. Men with such relationships usually spend an unlimited time together sharing many inside jokes and reflections on past events shared. In order to obtain such a relationship to be titled as "brofriends" both men involved must already surpass the titled of "best friends" to the point where its common to be referred to as brothers.

Being brofriends does not include any romantic implications.

"Did you hear Derek say anything bad about Sean?"
"Of course not, they're brofriends. They're tighter than a dolphins butt"

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The stage that comes after a bromance. Brofriends are exceptionally close, often closer than brothers, and regularly chose each other over their girlfriends/boyfriends because they are so important to one another. Although brofriendships can occur between a male and a female and between two females, it is most common between two males.

To reach an epic level of brofriendship, the two parties must raise a child together (usually only happens when the parent is a single parent).
Brofriends are not afraid to show their closeness, which often results in them being mistaken for romantic partners. However, this relationship is fully platonic, though there are a number of epic 'brohugs' involved.

Brofriendship is a beautiful thing, and should be celebrated in society.

Person 1: "So I heard James and Levi disappeared last night and slept in the same room. Are they together or something?"

Person 2: "Nah, they're just brofriends..."

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Two straight men who are more than just friends; they're best friends and are often found talking/hanging out. A long term bromance.

where'd they go? "They left with their brofriends a while ago"

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