Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bread up?

The act of eating fiber or starch(such as bread) before a drinking session in order to better control the buzz and not tip into a drunken state too quickly.

You ready for that concert today? Almost just need to bread up before we go.

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Bread up - video


Bread up - what is it?

similar to, β€œlets get this bread” but motivating someone to do something good for themselves

Example: getting a job, working out

β€œI think I’m gonna hit the gym and try to lift heavier weights this time.”

β€œHell yea! Bread it up baby!”

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What does "Bread up" mean?

get your bread up-meaning to get your game on and or to get your swagga on

come on b-diti where losing get your bread up

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Bread up - what does it mean?

make money

Person 1: I spent too much money on bud this month and now I can't make rent.
Person 2: Damn homie stop trippin' and get your bread up.

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Bread up - meaning

The phrase implies spending and/or committing to spend some sort of money in the given situation.

At the poker game last night, that donkey put that bread up and Usman moped him clean.

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Bread up - definition

v. to increase in quality, make stronger

I need to bread up on my vocab for this SAT on Saturday.

Bro, did you bread up your exercise regime? You look ripped.

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Bread up - slang

having lots of money, dough, etc. and wasting it

"im so breaded up nigga i'll buy four more of dem shits and throw dem away

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