Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Border Hoppers?

The Border Hoppers™️ is a friend group on discord with 6 people. If our chats were to get leaked i would not be writing this. (I’d be dead.)

“yo BORDER HOPPERS is the best friend group to ever exist”
I agree. The Border Hoppers™️ is the best friend group to exist”

👍25 👎11

Border Hoppers - video


Border Hoppers - what is it?

I mixed boy with a mustache who looks slightly mexican and is a big jerk.

I know! He's a Buttmunch border hopper, that's what he is.

👍27 👎15

What does "Border Hoppers" mean?

The term "border hopper" has been used as a slur against Mexican immigrants, particularly those who cross the border between Mexico and the United States without proper documentation. This type of language is offensive and contributes to harmful stereotypes and discrimination.

anybody: wsg my border hopping mexican ( or in anyway saying the term border hopper)
mexican: dawg.💀 (the person likely didnt hop a border anyways and its just a normal mexican who didnt do shit)

👍25 👎11

Border Hoppers - what does it mean?

a mexican who crossed the mexican-american border

if u call me a border hopper, i'll kill u, u fuckin cracker

👍261 👎291

Border Hoppers - meaning

A pimple that's right on the edge of your lip.

"Bah, look at this border hopper, it hurts like a biatch and a half."

👍131 👎107

Border Hoppers - definition

rojas......any "Latino" with the name rojas in his/her name who hops the boder of mexico to work the fields of america without a green card

look at that rojas climbing the border.....what a border hopper

👍227 👎133

Border Hoppers - slang

Usually reffered to Mexicans hopping the border.

-Those fucken border hoppers are mowing my lawn. ROfl
-Go back to Mexico you fucken border hopper.

👍505 👎239

Border Hoppers

A Hispanic or Latino that illegally crossed the border.

I saw that damn Border Hopper down the street

👍25 👎11

Border Hoppers

a mexican that hopped his ass over the border to the USA.

"I'm gonna need to see a green card you damn border hopper."

👍701 👎287

Border Hoppers

Derogatory term used for mexicans who cross the borders illegally.

Those damn Border Hoppers taking up all the damn jobs they don't even have a green card.

👍193 👎43