Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bogo?

"Bro Out, Get Out". When one of your boys won't get out ya room or sum shit, you gotta hit em with a BOGO.

Josh: Wow im really having a blast beating off in your bed Max.
Max: Dude wtf BOGO!

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Bogo - meme gif

Bogo meme gif

Bogo - video


Bogo - what is it?

Buy One, Get One (free or some lesser value)

that sale in produce, is it BOGO?

👍1279 👎391

What does "Bogo" mean?

Acronym for "Bust Out or Get Out"
"Bust Out" refering to drugs

Bitch betta BOGO wit that weed!

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Bogo - what does it mean?

Noun: To be absurd, insane, ridiculous
Verb: Bad, horrible.

Noun: Man that concert was Bogo!!
Verb: Ya bogoed the jumbo caper up!!
I'm Bogoed man, just plain Bogoed!!!!

👍41 👎81

Bogo - meaning

Bogo means a box logo, usually referring to a supreme bogo.

Ohhhhh my goshhhh, Becky look at this supreme bogo I just copped!!!

hypebeast bogo boxlogo

👍27 👎13

Bogo - definition

A name given to the female genital anatomy, stemming from a conversation between two guys about a prostitute, and sex rates. Used colloquially to mean the entire nether region of the females body, anus and vagina, or simply the vagina.

"Jesus christ, I should kick her in the bogo for that."

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Bogo - slang

A physics teacher known for his blatent Canadian-esque Northern New York ways and social ineptitude. Often he can be found making trebuchets and attacking the castles that he sees in his drug induced hallucinations (from chilling with Sitter). Bogo is a smooth blend of weird, annoying, forgetful, and clueless that seems to work as a powerful sleeping agent. Often he goes off on tangents, speaking at length about Trooper Joe and his zany friends doing crazy ( see Xtreme ) things.

Physics student 1: *Snore*
Bogo: That means that the force is always tangent to the circle!
Physics student 2: Wow, this is so Xtreme

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Alternative to the Australian word 'Bogan'. This word can be used to describe the dirty, homeless-looking, shoeless, types of bogans. Not the upper-class bogans, but the sweaty ones.

"Man, that guy in Nebo is a real bogo. It smells from a mile"

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The acronymed version of blackout or get out. However, when bogoing, the drinker proclaims bogo status to proclaim that he or she is either blackout or attempting blackout. In fact, the get out part of bogo is irrelevant because one only proclaims the bogo when attempting blackout status.

First used by the infamous T-ROB in early 2009.

Thacher was so stoked the bar was serving him underage without an ID, he got his bogo on with buttery nipples.

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Bogo is a term for a shirt with a supreme box logo on the chest of a shirt made by Supreme. Suoreme Box logo shirts are usually very expensive.

Pablo:Hey man you like my new bogo.
Jorge:yeah those things cost alot.

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