Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BoTS?

Shitty at everything. The same skill level as a bot in a video game

Nick sachetta is a bot. Kid is garbage at everything.

👍89 👎29

BoTS - meme gif

BoTS meme gif

BoTS - video


BoTS - what is it?

An amazing beverage native to Grove City, PA. The Botting is 1/6 100 proof Rumple Minze Peppermint Schnapps, 1/6 100 proof Captain Morgan's, and 2/3 Dr. Pepper.

Dude, I hear that you can order the Botting at the local bars!

👍35 👎11

What does "BoTS" mean?

Someone who is absolute dog shit at any video games, more specifically FPS games. A person who is a bot never hits a single fucking shot on their target and always dies every round. 100 percent of all games played, your teammates are bots but not you.

fenton is a bot

👍89 👎25

BoTS - what does it mean?

Someone that doesn't question the matrix and society as it is. They usually share the same characteristics as robots and AI's. They often run on auto pilot and work a 9-5 and come home to surf their phones and mindlessly open and close Instagram and twitter.

Kevin: Dude I can't wait to vote for Joe Biden
Solluminati: The elections are rigged you bot bitch

👍345 👎101

BoTS - meaning

a dumbass or someone who does stupid shit; Originates from FaZe Tfue’s gameplay against shit players but it became a mainstream term.

You are a fucking bot, bruh!

👍737 👎229

BoTS - definition

A name you call your friende to mess with them when they're bad at something or make a mistake.

Airin, you're such a bot!

👍509 👎139

BoTS - slang

You are a horrible player in a game, specifically CS:GO or C-ops (mobile game) and you just suck so badly that you play like a bot, otherwise a NPC or something that isn't humanly controlled.

*insert name here* is a bot. (Whoever is just a bad player)

👍2013 👎421


Automated gameplay. Generally by using programs to play games for you.

Bob: What's up?
Me: Botting for D2, hold on.

👍883 👎175


Austrialian slang for bottom, ass or a person you refer as ass.

Those young bot-bots make me mad!

👍257 👎45


BoTS is the nickname stan twitter gave to the inorganic Korean group, BTS.

BoTS uses payola and regularly manipulates the chart in order to stay relevant.

👍25 👎11