Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Blargle?

Blargle in this sense is pretty much a synonym for bullshit. The Blargle Shark is the source of all bullshit. Also used as a phrase to call BS.

"Dude, I just saw a UFO!"

"Blargle Shark, dude. There's no such thing."

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Blargle - video


Blargle - what is it?

The tones sometimes heard in the voice of a fatasses when they allow the fat of their neck to interfere with their airway.

Bri*g me a*bucke* Imanno thr*w ap

👍37 👎123

What does "Blargle" mean?

Synonym for "ick," "yuck," "eww," etc.

"Look at that chick wearing leg warmers with high heels!"


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Blargle - what does it mean?

term used to express

1) great quantity
2) frustration
3) weenie dogs

"Oh my god, there are 50 weenie dogs running toward us!"

"BLARGLE $(*%#$*(%&."

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Blargle - meaning

the sound made by the Invisible Pet Llama

"BLARGLE!" said the Invisible Pet Llama.

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Blargle - definition

unintelligible guff , a word to say, what you are saying is is rubbish , over extended , or extraneouos. irrelevant.

the doctor with a cure, said "Blargle " to the hundreds of deaf lepers looking intently at him.

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Blargle - slang

Something you say to get someone's attention.

Me: Hey.
Shelley:(does't respond or return my gaze)
Me: Yo.
Shelley: Huh? What's up?

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The official term for a period queef.

"I wanted the prostitute to shit on me, but I could only afford a Blargle."

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A positive exclaimation! :P Something you say when you are happy or somehting good has just happenend!

Gee shouted, "Blargle!" when he awoke, he knew this would be a wonderful day.

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The name of the flying walrus

Hey dude look! It's Blargle the Flying Walrus!

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