Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bippy?

An insulting term for a dim-witted individual.

While driving: "Hey, watch it there Bippy!"

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Bippy - what is it?

It's used as slang just like the word 'shorty' however it means
a male 'shorty'. Usually used by negros.

yo bippy hook me up wid dat sheet son

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What does "Bippy" mean?

Little boys penis; derogitory word for your friends and their "little bippy" who suck at wiffle ball

"Get off my bippy"

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Bippy - what does it mean?

Baltimore slang for a gun

If you from the city and you out here beefing you betta not Leave out that house without ya bippy!

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Bippy - meaning

Buttocks, ass

you bet your sweet bippy.

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Bippy - definition

Butt, Ass, Booty, a Mid-Western term.

Yeah, sure, you bet yer bippy!

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Bippy - slang

A Baltimore Term Used As A "Gun"

Ayo dat opp nigga keep playin ima put da bippy on em

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Bippy Milke Wilke Dot loves to flail his arms and goes to Dongshin preschool with his bff's Nutella Kim and Violet Lee. Bippy also loves to eat cupcakes in his green pajamas and loves to sing Money Lisa. Yippy Bippy!

Yippy Bippy!

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A Bippy is a slang word for your bottom or hiney. It is used in a saying; "You bet your sweet Bippy!" It is more or less a Midwestern type of term.

"You bet your sweet bippy I'm gonna run you over with this tonka truck if you don't get yo'self inside for dinner!"

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BIPPY - A jocular euphemism for ass, as in "bet your (sweet) bippy) by Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In, an NBC-TV comedy series, 1968-1973. From "Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang, Volume 1, A-G" by J.E. Lighter, Random House, New York, 1994.

You bet your sweet bippy

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