Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bindles?

for use when a complete "what the fuck" moment happens but you're in a situation where actually saying "what the fuck" is extremely uncouth
or for whenever saying "Bindle" is quicker than saying "what the fuck"

Did you see that? Bindle

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Bindles - meme gif

Bindles meme gif

Bindles - video


Bindles - what is it?

A bound book made from paper with a front cover and a back cover and anywhere from 100 to 300 pages inside, printed on paper and to be read on a comfortable chair at one's leisure.

"I hate reading e-books on a Kindle. Give me a real Bindle anyday!"

-- Overheard at water cooler at a bookstore in Manhattan in June 2009.

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What does "Bindles" mean?

the epitome of hobo chic

Oh my, look at that trendy bindle!

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Bindles - what does it mean?

another word for cuddling or bundling up.
Signifies something REALLY cute.

this emoticon best describes "bindles"-
It's a cat face and the upper-case 'K' is it's little hands clapping together.

This use of the word "bindles" is only used in North East Ohio.

ex:Awww look at the little kitty! Bindles!

ex: person:I'm cold, lets snuggle
person2: K bindles!

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Bindles - meaning

Cocaine from Kent Island.

"let's go to the island and get some bindle"

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Bindles - definition

(n.) 1. a bundle, usually of bedding and other possessions, carried by a hobo.

2. used to beat anyone who wears a pastel.

3. oft-toted by Winnie the Pooh.

Ed:"If I had both, I could put my kindle in my bindle.
And when I wanted to read a book I would take my kindle out of my bindle, set my bindle on the ground and read my kindle."

Kelly: "But you forgot about your burning passion for thread spinning! So you'd get your spindle from the bindle and proceed to listen to your kindle."

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Bindles - slang

anything a hobo uses to carry belongings;
ORIGINAL BE-the stick with the sack tied to the end

That hobo's bindle is rockin!!
Kendal Bindle is the shit!!

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Small packet of drug powder; heroin

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the thing a hobo carries, consisting of a stick and a sac of some type.

in the simpsons when homer is boxing against boxcar charlie he put his bindle aside.

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A small envelope made by folding a square piece of paper, often used for carrying powdered drugs such as cocaine. Popular because it requires no tape, glue or fasteners and does not leak when folded correctly.

"There's a bindle on the mirror; just dump it out and lay out some lines."

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