Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Billdo's?

Billdo is a guy with a beautiful hard cock that's better than a dildo also can be used to describe someone who is really good at ass play and fucking

He gets a lot of women because he's a Billdo

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Billdo's - meme gif

Billdo's meme gif

Billdo's - video


Billdo's - what is it?

A dildo wrapped in a $20 bill, which is a prize in the claw machine at the Homy Inn in Omaha, NE.

"Hey Dustin, loan me a buck so I can win a $20 billdo for my girlfriend."

"Man, I don't have any money to spare."

"Cone on, it's just a buck."

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What does "Billdo's" mean?

A man's dildo.

Jeff: What are you doing tonight Matt?
Matt: Testing out my new billdo!

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Billdo's - what does it mean?

Gay boy named bill who goes in grant's ass!!

Grant is a billdo

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Billdo's - meaning

Billdo or the plural word billdos, are Buffalo Bill fans in support of Buffalo, New York professional NFL team. What sets them a part from sensible fans, they support one of the worst teams in NFL history and to show their own disgust with their home team, they are known to throw adult sex toys on to the field of professional football games. I mean, you would too if your were a quiet Bills fan.

Holy shit!!!! Those Billdos are making it rain dildos of the field!!!! Let's get out of here, stat!!!!

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Billdo's - definition

A slang name for a Kinky well endowed man named Bill.

I dunno man he's kinda freaky, Like Billdo

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Billdo's - slang

What you call a guy named Bill, implying he is a dildo.

See also Phildo

Bill: Hey guys, whats up? Can I hang out with you guys?
Bob: Go away Billdo!

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