Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Big cum?

When the cum is big

Big cums

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Big cum - video


Big cum - what is it?

1)This is a SOS sign that can ward off evil spirits.

2)It is also used as a mating call of the Hongolligoes of the planet Sugmaton.


2) Person one: Did you here the Big cums earlier?

Person two: Yeah, who couldn't.

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What does "Big cum" mean?

It when your cock gets bigger when you cum in a girl or boy

It got fun cum big last night

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Big cum - what does it mean?

when you accidentally cum all over your balls and its super sticky

Boy: Dang i got big cum balls!
GF: The fuck?

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Big cum - meaning

A big fat racist cis gender white male who only thinks of himself, he has seg with child and fuck tem in the behind on the rump

Big juicy fat cum shit/Max Hess
Did you see Max Hess he was being a shit head max hess
Listen you fat retard I will kill you and you are family

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Big cum - definition

The thing you don’t want your grandma to see

Grandma:What is a Big cum stain
You:Something that happens after I finish jerking off

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Big cum - slang

The biggest, most massive-size cum you would ever experience in life. Often asked as a question or a statement to flex on mother fuckers. Big Cum.

Big cum? Yeah, Big Cum!

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