Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bi Polar disorder?

Obsesses over the newest fad or idea. Always has a new hobby or passion. Instantly knows everything about the obsession, most likely due to google search.

By 8 a.m. this morning, my buddy had entered the Mr. Universe contest, by 10 a.m. he sold his gym equipment. By noon one would of thought he had a masters in science and computer technology due he vast knowledge of google searched items. Then as the afternoon came to an end, he had sold all of his computers and purchased a dog sled, and was going off the grid in the Yukon. Very typical of his obsessive compulsive bi-polar fad chasing disorder.

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Bi Polar disorder - video


Bi Polar disorder - what is it?

A mental disorder afflicting teenage girls, characterized by extreme highs at the sight of Justin Bieber with marked lows or depression upon hearing of his association with Selena Gomez.

Boy: OMG, Justin Bieber is dating Selena Gomez?!

Girl: WAAAAHH! (The Snooki waahh) FML! I need a drink!

Boy: Someone has Bi-eber-Polar Disorder,


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What does "Bi Polar disorder" mean?

Your sexuality depends on your mood. It's constantly changing and can quickly happen.

Day 1
Loren: I'm asexual. I don't want anyone.

Day 2
Loren: I feel like fucking.

Day 3
Loren: I'm aromantic. Fuck off.

Day 4
Loren: I'm so horny! I think I have Bi-Polar Sexuality Disorder

Day 5
Loren: Nah, I'm straight.

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Bi Polar disorder - what does it mean?

Struggling with bi Polar disorder are often misdiagnosed. According to the DSM-IV, some clinicians may misdiagnose bi polar disorder with schizophrenia in varying ethnic groups and in younger people. In fact, the manic behavior of a Bi Polar 1-hallusinations, paranoia, delusions, believing one is divinely inspired-is nearly indistinguishable from the manners of schizophrenia. Bi Polar disorder on the other hand can be diagnosed by blood testing and treated with lithium. Cronic, highs and low episodes. Also seen in Bi polar 11 disorder. The extreme โ€œhighโ€™ cycle. Secondly bi polar and schitzophrenics are are distinguished by emotion, or lack their of, that informs mania i.e. mood congruent and the diagnoses is likely to be bi polar. Interestingly enough people with this disorder feel the raciness and expanded emotion, fear, and or even delusion themselves as a God, or person with a high stature in society. Increasing with age. Manic attacks can be dangerous, sleep difficultyโ€™s, obsessions with sex and or sexual behavior, creating different characters on irc sites. ECT studies help this diagnoses. Dating to 1934. Posting damaging false reality statements about past relationships is a key factor in diagnosing such an illness.

A Bi Polar person will spend many hours in denial about ones self and perceptions posting irate storyโ€™s in disconnected ways about others to live in denial of ones own disorder. Related to Bi Polar disorder are Dythymia and Cylothymia. They are both a more mild form of bi Polar disorder but have some of the same distinguishing characteristics. The helping hint is that they can be treated with SSRIโ€™s and or momomine oxcides a higher class of drug for severe cases.

That is a false sense of security needed by the Bi Polar mind. More so in men we see these used as a weapon to combat the illusion โ€œall-or-nothing,โ€ suicidal rage like shooting, hanging, or carbon monoxide uses. The 8th leading cause of unwanted death in the US.

In short understanding this disorder is on the top of my priority list in psychotherapy and a cure for people. It helps to view the mania associated with this disorder on a full scale here to find the best form of helping future family and friends suffering from this disorder. They also have a high level of a high and flight reflex in relationships. Most turn to drug abuses and or Alcoholic abuses to combat theses emotions often times making the manic attacks worse and dangerous for the person.

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