Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bee-Bop?

It’s when you go all around town/any area and are having a great time. Like if one day you went to Target, then Red Robin, then went out with friends and went to multiple different parties that be considered β€œbee-bopping”

I was bee-bopping all around town last night

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Bee-Bop - meme gif

Bee-Bop meme gif

Bee-Bop - video


Bee-Bop - what is it?

Said to oneself when you are confused about something or something isn't making sense.

He asked me to come over like....bee boop bop?

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What does "Bee-Bop" mean?

Bee-Bim-Bop is symbolizim of a food where you say in a prayer beep beep bop beep bop beep bop beep beep fnf

mama im hungry for some bee-bim-bop

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Bee-Bop - what does it mean?

When you just being extremely extra for no damn reason.

Can you stop coming up in my house, "Bee Boo Bopping" all over the place.

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Bee-Bop - meaning

something jim started a while back, it has caught on in a select group of friends. it is usually used in a random way, and expresses excitement.

""bee bop a doo were goin to fukin smoke up"

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Bee-Bop - definition

a term used by frat boys. Meaning studly or ready to sex women

"Hey ladies, I'm the bee bop man"

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Bee-Bop - slang

when you take your hand and place it on ones head(on your shoulders you pervs) and then take the other one a and hit it as hard as you can!! BEE BOP IDY BOP!!

bee bop, to place hand on your head and then hit it with your other one

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when someone thinks they are really cool and they walk with a kinda strut or bounce to make sure everyone is watching them walk across the room

"look at that guy, he just bee-bopped across the room like he was some kinda special'

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A frozen beverage typically kool-aid that's frozen in a plastic or Styrofoam cup.

Man I'm fixing to stop by the Bee-Bop ladies house and get me a cherry Bee-Bop. Get me a grape one.

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This term is used when going around to a bunch of places in town/around an area. This is typically used while going around to parties while intoxicated. Although, it can also be used when you've just been going a bunch of places such as if one day you went to Target, class, work, and wherever else that'd be considered bee-bopping.

"Dude, what'd you do last night? I couldn't find you." "Ah I was just bee-bopping around town!"

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