Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Baldies?

A traditional skinhead, one who isn't racist. The opposite of a bonehead

There was a fight at the punk show last night between a Baldy and a Bonehead.

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Baldies - meme gif

Baldies meme gif

Baldies - video


Baldies - what is it?

A bald man from a trending spoopy horror game

Welcome to baldi’s basics in education and learning! That’s me!

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What does "Baldies" mean?

a bald headed person, typically a man

Hey baldie, where you going.

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Baldies - what does it mean?

That one freakin’ teacher with that one freakin’ ruler that smacks that one freakin’ part of the body that I shall not mention.

Welcome to Baldi’s Basics in Education and Learning!

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Baldies - meaning

when u see a bald man this is his name

the light form baldie's head is reflecting into my eyes!
quick go rub baldie's head for good luck!

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Baldies - definition

common knickname for a bald-headed man. it is usually reserved as a greeting or term of endearment for a close acquaintance.

Hey baldy! What have u been up 2.

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Baldies - slang

Baldi is the name of a man whom has a ruler and will slap you with it and you will love every single second of it as you are beat to death by Baldi's ruler.

Baldi is fucken hot.

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Baldi is a math teacher from the game Baldi's basics in education and learning that will give you math questions from notebooks you have to collect, but if you get one wrong he will get mad and smack his ruler,you have to get all 7 notebooks and get out of the school before he catches you but if your too slow to get to an exit he will close it and you will have nowhere to go

Baldi smacked me with a ruler because i got a question wrong :(

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Great Teacher due to his increible hearing abilities! He can not only tell where any sound come from, but who made it too!

Now for everybody's favorite subject, math! "Baldi's" messages to the player.

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The professor at your school who gets mad and runs after you and tries to beat you with a ruler for every problem you get wrong.

Guy1: "Have you ever played Baldi's Basics? It's all over YouTube!"
Guy2: "Yes, he beat me with a ruler!"
Guy1: "Use more BSoda next time."

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