Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Baio?

Similar to the Tony Danza, but instead of asking "Who's the boss" you ask "Who's in charge?" When she says "You're in charge" you slap her ass and say "No, Charles is in charge, bitch." You can also add the extended, "No, Charles is in charge of our days and our nights. Charles in charge of our wrongs and our rights."

"That bitch wasn't worth a Danza so instead I gave her a Baio."

"After Cathy and I hit the Sizzler buffet we came back to my place for some sex. While we were having sex I gave her a Scott Baio."

"I prefer the Scott Baio to the Tony Danza. I guess I've just always liked Scott's work better. That said, I'm still a sucker for the Danza."

"While I was morphing your mom last night I slipped in a Tony Danza. She was so drunk she fell for a Baio too. Stupid bitch."

👍133 👎601

Baio - meme gif

Baio meme gif

Baio - video


Baio - what is it?

A slag term for cocaine

Scott Baio was the star of Joanie Loves Chachi. Chach is a common term for cocaine in many places.

Using this term makes it easier to talk about cocaine in public places ie. work or school

"Man you look haggard"- Guy 1
"Yeah, I was hanging out with Scott Baio until 5 in the morning"- Guy 2

👍153 👎279

What does "Baio" mean?

Slang term for cocaine.

Yo, I'm bored, let's go chill with Scotty Baio

She cut up 4 huge lines of Scotty Baio.

👍27 👎11

Baio - what does it mean?

The two fluid, blood-and-puss-mixed cesspool leaking through your underwear after accidentally ripping a rotten scab off your dick

Bruh, I think you should get that Double Baio checked out by a doc.

👍31 👎13

Baio - meaning

1. One of the most fetid and painful farts that humankind emits. Starts off as a loud, noisy blast, then quickly dwindles into silent, hot burning gas out of a person's anus.

2. A long, smelly, very foul fart that is usually accompanied by diarrhea.

"Clear the room! Somebody just Scott Baio'd!"

"I ate so many prunes that I got an attack of the Scott Baios."

" Hey, Guys! Let see if I can produce a blue flame when I Scott Baio!"

👍369 👎103

Baio - definition

Star of the gayest show on Television, "Scott Baio is 57 and still single because he is the biggest TOOL on the planet."

Elmer: "Have you seen that new show on VH1?"
Morty: "Yea, the one with that former childstar, Scott Gayo, ooops, I mean Scott Baio"
Elmer: "Yes, that's it. Do you like it?"
Morty: "I'd rather watch ice melt, that guy is a whiney ass beeeeotch!!"

👍845 👎245

Baio - slang

The handsome bassist of Vampire Weekend. He enjoys wearing cardigans and is known for his badass dance moves.

Kristan: Hey! Did you see Ezra last night on Letterman? He was looking fine!
Rheanne: What about Chris Baio, didn't you see his sweet ass dance moves? He was totally owning it!

👍79 👎13


Basic All-In-One
The most simplified and concise scrypnosis logic discourse allowing the most change and growth in the least amount of time.

To achieve the higher highs without drugs, he use the scrypnosis euphoia BAIO.

👍31 👎33


Plowing through somebody you don't love

I'm gonna Baio this fantastic asian

👍101 👎71


1. Someone with no talent and brains that somehow ends up more fortunate than you.

Example: Scott Baio

Man he gets all the breaks what a Baio!

👍63 👎27