Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Rheanne?

Rheanne Erotica, also known as Erotic girl, with has the best grip of everything ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Rheanne Erotica as an Awesome grip man!

👍25 👎17

Rheanne - meme gif

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Rheanne - what is it?

An extreme form of slut, known for preying on other girls boyfriends and stalking them over facebook. Rheannes are desprate and have massive penis's, they'll fuck anything that moves and claim they love somebody but actually 'love' every man in a 20 mile radius.

Rheannes usually have problems with people called, Amy, Michael, Abby, Jordan and Katie. They'll stop at nothing to ensure they make their lives miserable and try to take their boyfriends off them. Rheannes also like to give out blowjobs like they're quickly going out of fashion.
Dude you see her?

Yeah she's such an slut

Rheannes are sluts

👍35 👎71

What does "Rheanne" mean?

The kind of girl to drink or eat all of someone’s food or something. Also the kinda person to try and kiss every ni🅱️🅱️a in sight.

“Hey did see you that girl that just kissed Issac?” “Yeah that’s Rheann”

👍37 👎17

Rheanne - what does it mean?

A short, brunette girl with glasses who thinks natural beauty is the best. She is obsessed with all things marvel...especially captain america. She loves soft blankets, being cuddled, jumping in puddles, and eating peanut butter cookies. She often abuses her friends and thinks it's out of love. She can really sing but wishes she had a deeper voice. She's very loyal but very very strange.

Who's that girl with the tall rain boots and a marvel sweater?
Oh her? That's rheann.

👍69 👎15

Rheanne - meaning

A very tall, lovely, voluptuous milk maid, with flowing light hair, typically from Canada. Loves her ministry, polka dancing with her Dad, violin music, typically an amazing gourmet pastry chef. Many times has twin siblings and an odd attachment to Doobies.

What a lovely Rheanne!

Can we share your Rheanne?

👍81 👎55

Rheanne - definition

The most beautiful and amazing girl ever.

Rheanne is amazing and beautiful.

👍209 👎33

Rheanne - slang

Rheanne is a hot woman. She’s very shy and doesn’t like being in all the attention. She can be very loyal but if a guy is lacking she’ll start lacking too. Your lucky to have one. She’s a great friend.

Rheanne your so shy but so cute at the same time.

👍49 👎11


Rheanne is a beautiful girl that loves everyone. She never holds grudges and is most of the time happy. She can be very sensitive but can boss up when needed too. She only likes tall guys, and doesn’t care about how they look. She seems to fall in love with guys that start with M,A,J and N. You are lucky to have a Rheanne in your life she’s a real one. But a lot of people take her for granted. If you have one in your life keep her, she won’t always be there even if she forgives.

Chris: I saw a beautiful girl today, her name is Rheanne.
Rachel: oh I know her she’s so pretty and nice.

David: yo Micheal guess what!
Micheal: what?!
David: I think this girl Rheanne really cares about me.
Micheal:treat her good and she’ll always treat you the same.

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