Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Baby yoda?

Small empty tits

Also See Yoda's

Check out the Baby Yoda's on her

👍129 👎29

Baby yoda - video


Baby yoda - what is it?

The reincarnation of Jesus. He flies around in a white chariot blessing pure memes to those who deserve it. He's also the literal fucking cutest thing in existence no cap.

"Tell me Chad, who died for our sins?"
"Baby Yoda."

👍11469 👎2979

What does "Baby yoda" mean?

A tiny reincarnated version of jesus himself and has come down to earth to show his true form. Baby yoda is a very powerful intellectual. He is also the reason why we go "AWWWW" to adorable things.

Christian girl: i would like to see jesus in his whole form

Me: watch Mandalorian, god shows him self. Baby yoda..

👍27 👎17

Baby yoda - what does it mean?

A cutie

Baby yoda is bae

👍29 👎21

Baby yoda - meaning

Our fuckjng god that we pray to every day

Person 1; all praise the lord to baby yoda

👍31 👎25

Baby yoda - definition

An over used name I mean heaw 50 for god sake and isnt even yoda

Baby yoda is sooo.." "over used"

👍27 👎13

Baby yoda - slang

The most annoying internet sensation for pewdiepie fans and millennials to rave over.

Baby yoda is a stupid piece of shit

👍35 👎23

Baby yoda

The babiest little cinnamon bun there is; also known from his army of memes made from his appearances in the Mandalorian. He eats frogs and enjoys pissing off his older self.

Dude: Hey, did you see the newest Star Wars show?
Other dude: The Mandalorian? Yeah, Baby Yoda made me cry
Dude: I know, right? He's baby

👍33 👎19

Baby yoda

A little shit head that deserves to get thrown at a wall at Mach 5

Person 1: I swear to god I will beat the life out of that little green cock licker

Person 2:same bro I hate fucking hate baby yoda

👍43 👎27

Baby yoda

The cutest thing you’ll ever see

Baby yoda is so cute

👍161 👎99