Definder - what does the word mean?


literal fucking cancer that's run by people who think men and whites belong in the tenth circle of hell.

some dude: hey who's that guy
some other dude: oh fuck its Buzzfeed run for your lives before you get caught by their white people magnet

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BUZZFEED - meme gif

BUZZFEED meme gif

BUZZFEED - video


BUZZFEED - what is it?

At buzzfeed people think if you are male or white you are probably satan as well they are the only channel that can make videos such as questions white people have for with people

Oh he works at buzzfeed he must be annoying

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What does "BUZZFEED" mean?

A motherfucking dumpster.

BuzzFeed and a trashcan, 99% of Americans say they can't tell the difference.

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BUZZFEED - what does it mean?

something that is so bad that skin gets melted off

he died when he discovered the buzzfeed

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BUZZFEED - meaning

The biggest cringefest on Earth.

Buzzfeed just released a new article, and it's terrible!

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BUZZFEED - definition

People who think all white people and men are evil
Also a company with low-quality content

person: Hey BuzzFeed
Buzzfeed: Yeah
person: I'm a white male and donated to charity am I still evil

Buzzfeed: yes go to hell

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BUZZFEED - slang

A website that occasionally posts news but mostly makes aids-inducing clickbait videos, quizzes and listicles. Basically Fox News for twitter feminists but at least Fox News doesn’t spew metric fucktons of clickbait that basic bitches regurgitate all over social media. (Look what you did, Buzzfeed. You made me defend Fox News. I hope you’re proud of yourself.) Buzzfeed has also contributed to the fake news epidemic by claiming to be a news source while not giving a shit about facts and only reporting what they think will get clicks. It’s basically a bunch of dweebs desperately trying to be relevant (which actually makes them sound dated two weeks after their articles come out) and taking advantage of people with autism and/or just really short attention spans.

Person 1: β€œwhy is it so hard to find a news source that reports actual facts!?”
Person 2: β€œIdk, blame BuzzFeed”.

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A website for people without a life

kid 1: ugh im bored
kid 2: why dont u go on buzzfeed and find out what type of onion you are mate

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terrible content.

"Why did everyone leave Buzzfeed?"
"They have fucking terrible content"

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When Barack Obama used to smoked pot at 2:00 AM, self confessed at WHCD 2013.

I remember when Buzzfeed was something I did back in college at 2 AM.

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