Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Buzzfeed?

The absolute worst of the worst clickbait news sites, basically the equivalent to McDonald's. Unlike other news sites, they did not earn their disgraceful reputation for being biased but rather for writing the most obnoxious, ridiculous, brain-dead articles that only attract those who have nothing better to read. Their entire site is psychologically designed to reel you in with a never-ending list of meaningless but mind-numbingly interesting facts and quizzes. The company is probably run by a bunch of greedy capitalist pigs that stop at nothing to get people to click on their articles.

Them: What's wrong with buzzfeed?? Y'all stupid if you think they have some political bias.

Me: The pertinent problem with buzzfeed is not that they have any sort of media bias, but rather than they produce garbage clickbait articles that offer no value other than to stimulate our brain's dopamine reward system. They will capitalize on any topic if it's profitable, including politics. Basically Buzzfeed is like heroin, and I don't mean that in a good way.

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Buzzfeed - meme gif

Buzzfeed meme gif

Buzzfeed - video

Buzzfeed - what is it?

Like Huffpost, but for demented children with profound cognitive impairment, or quirky girls who think they're feminists but talk about unicorns in baby voices, are vegan, have blue hair and suffer from narcissistic personality disorder.

Dippy girl: Hey, look at this article on Buzzfeed about cats being pumped for Taylor Swift's new album.
Dippy girl's carer: Have you taken your pills today?

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What does "Buzzfeed" mean?

Buzzfeedis another word for retard

Are you Buzzfeeded?

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Buzzfeed - what does it mean?

Autism, cancer and aids balled into one wow how lucky are we

Buzzfeed... Shit man that is just autism

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Buzzfeed - meaning

A group of far leftwing individuals who can’t see past the tips of there noses to realize their life problems are nothing compared to those in third world countries.

We would all like to see things from buzzfeeds point of view, but we can’t seem to get our heads that far up our asses.

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Buzzfeed - definition

A website and youtube channel that makes videos that usualy tend from mediocre to god awfull.
Most of their videos usualy have some clickbait to draw the viewer in and also has things that cause controversy, therefore they always get their good old views.

dONt gEt mE sTaRtEd o N the Q U I Z Z E S made by buzzfeed

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Buzzfeed - slang

literal fucking cancer that's run by people who think men and whites belong in the tenth circle of hell.

some dude: hey who's that guy
some other dude: oh fuck its Buzzfeed run for your lives before you get caught by their white people magnet

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At buzzfeed people think if you are male or white you are probably satan as well they are the only channel that can make videos such as questions white people have for with people

Oh he works at buzzfeed he must be annoying

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The biggest cringefest on Earth.

Buzzfeed just released a new article, and it's terrible!

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When Barack Obama used to smoked pot at 2:00 AM, self confessed at WHCD 2013.

I remember when Buzzfeed was something I did back in college at 2 AM.

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