Definder - what does the word mean?


People who main a Legend called asuri in a fighting game called brawlhalla.
The part that makes them brain dead is they fucking spam side sig with katars like come on it's pretty predictable and when they don't have their katars they spam side sig with sword and its so fucking fast like wtf.

Player 2: What makes them brain dead?
Player 1: They spam their sigs like there's no tomorrow. But the thing is they have less than a half of a brain cell, unlike normal sig spammers.

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BRAIN DEAD - video


BRAIN DEAD - what is it?

An absolute Dolt. Someone who doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

Man, you're one Brain Dead Motherfucker for doing that.

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What does "BRAIN DEAD" mean?

See Ukranian

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BRAIN DEAD - what does it mean?

Henry and Sharp on discord.. here is their discord Sharp#6900 and savage-pinecone#1174 they are utterly retarded

Henry and sharp are quite literally the most brain dead people ever.

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BRAIN DEAD - meaning

A girl named Morgan.

Ryan: Hey Morgan, wanna go smoke a blunt with me and Cam?
Morgan: Yeah!
Cam: You got the blunt?
Ryan: Yeah man, let's go!
Morgan: Wait, what?
Cam: Morgan's fucking brain dead man.
Morgan: Who?
Cam: You.
Morgan: Oh.

Five minutes later

Morgan: Hey, wait, I'm not brain dead you asshole!

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BRAIN DEAD - definition

A commonly use word in the community of Valorant that defines a person who doesn't have game sense and is definetly Bad

Bruh You're actually Brain dead No cap Not Even trolling you roza ulted that bruhhh

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BRAIN DEAD - slang


Person 1: Bro who’s brain dead?
Person 2: Dylan

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the link from reality and fantasy are broken. there is no pilot in the cockpit if you know what I mean. the results of too many drugs can do this to you. you can be born this way. whatever the reason, you state things out of your ass without a reference, and you don't know nor care how accurate your statement is.

After I took over 10 years of bong hits, I have been left virtually brain dead, leaving only the cartoon network as a compatable reference.

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1. Someone who doesn’t catch on even to the simplest things.
2. Some one with no fucking brain

Bro Jennifer is so brain dead, she didn’t even catch on to my knock knock joke

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The literal death of the brain, brought about by severence of the spinal cord or any major brain damage. There is argument as to whether or not brain death constitutes real death as some minor signs of life may still be seen, though the patient typically can't live without a respirator after brain death.

Marla is now brain dead.

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