Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BOOPS?

The action of tapping ones nose in an affectionate way.

1. I am booping my girlfriends nose while we are cuddling

2. I booped my dogs nose while petting him.

👍67 👎13

BOOPS - meme gif

BOOPS meme gif

BOOPS - video


BOOPS - what is it?

Pressing the nose of a animal, usually a cute animal.

"I will boop this bunny's nose!"

👍589 👎93

What does "BOOPS" mean?

The mystery of the boop shall never be revealed. But when saying "Boop" you must poke a random person on the nose.

Meh: Boop! *pokes your nose*

👍5095 👎839

BOOPS - what does it mean?

A boop, or nose bump, is a common way for doggos to greet, show amazement, show friendship, or playfulness.

Doggo 1: *boop*
Doggo 2: *boop*

👍519 👎77

BOOPS - meaning

to pop a couple prescription pills...

if someone says "let me get some boop-boops" means give me some pills...or "i need to get me some boop-boops" means: to get basically any good presciption pills...(i.e.) vicodin, valuim, morphine, oxys, somas, adderall...u kno!

👍83 👎93

BOOPS - definition

Affectionately poking someone on the nose, often accompanied by saying "Boop!"

Nora casually booped Ren on the nose when they met up.

👍2251 👎179

BOOPS - slang

Usually used when African American females describe a fight.

"I grabbed her by her hair and went boop boop

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What a cute ass Raven named Fable says when she wants to show affection.

Similar to Wa and Wow!

Boop boop
“Boop boop”

👍39 👎15


That sound a cell phone makes when another cell phone hangs up. Similar to Click.

*phone rings*
Mo: "Hey!"
Jesus: "What's up?"

Jason: "Sorry gotta run, call me later!"
*boop boop boop*

👍33 👎13


'BOOP BOOP' what you say when you are excited about something or happy to see someone for example as a greeting

'We go on holiday on Monday 'BOOP BOOP'

👍231 👎75