Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BLAMA?

A term to describe Black Drama. Traits include posturing, threats, loud excessive, incoherent, nonsensical yelling, improper usage of a firearm, insulting of one's Mama, and debates over who is "badest ".

Sherelle was kissin' Dyquan, if Tequesha find out bout that damn there gonna be BLAMA!

👍43 👎17

BLAMA - meme gif

BLAMA meme gif

BLAMA - video


BLAMA - what is it?

A term mainly used by white people referring to a Black Mama

Hey look! That Blama bouta beat her son's ass!!

👍51 👎15

What does "BLAMA" mean?

Big Long Ass Monkey Arms

None of my shirts fit cause of my big long ass monkey arms. BLAMA life is hard.

👍37 👎11