Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BIll and Ted?

White sepremists that carry ladders and have viking helmets.


Nigger #1 : This fucked little dude tried to climb a ladder on my roof and I shot him.
Nigger #2 : Oh fo shizzle yo. *steals car*
Nigger #1 : Yea then it's twin tried to burry him even though he was alive and killed him.
Nigger #2 :SHITS WACK! *steals vcr while eating fried chicken*
Nigger #1: Man then he tried to pull some digging shit and I killed that motherfucker.

👍33 👎47

BIll and Ted - video


BIll and Ted - what is it?

An aewsome movie where these two dudes go in a time machine and bring back all these famous people for this school project.

Total "dude" count: 246

👍705 👎251

What does "BIll and Ted" mean?

The most awesome movie ever made. Two punk kids from the 80's (Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter) go back in time with a phone booth.

Bill and Ted's is a most excellent movie.

👍263 👎43

BIll and Ted - what does it mean?

aka "the girls"; a girls breasts

Girl to guy: "Wanna meet Bill and Ted?"
Guy: "Who are Bill and Ted?"
Girl: (points at her breasts) and says "Now are you ready for an excellent adventure?"

👍53 👎89

BIll and Ted - meaning

Time traveling teenagers who seek to solve world peace by making music

Be Excellent to each other- Bill and Ted

👍25 👎11

BIll and Ted - definition

1) noun: The protagonists of a classic slacker film, Bill and Ted's excellent adventure. They embark on travels across time to avoid failing a history test.
2) Adjective of 3)

2) plural: (sometimes written as billanted) Someone who resembles these protagonists; namely an endearing slacker who finds it difficult to do nothing, literally.

1) Ted: Bodacious, Bill!
Bill: Totally outrageous, Ted!

2) The Bill-and-Ted life is appealing to some young people who would like to copulate with 'that totally hot Joan of Arc'.

3) This guy I met at the bus stop, he was a real billanted. He was having a meaningful conversation with my sneakers.

👍111 👎37

BIll and Ted - slang

Two excellent dudes who past history and saved the world.

Guy 1: "Which Bill and Ted masterpiece do we watch first? Excellent Adventure or Bogus Journey?"
Guy 2: "Excellent Journey!"

👍169 👎49

BIll and Ted

2 most xcellent boys whom we base our whole vocabulary around. never use the following words unless in reference 2 these most bodacious dudes-
xcellent/most xcellent
bodacious/bodacious babes
heinous/most heinous
wild stallions

Excellent Bill.
Most excellent Ted.
Rufus: Most excellent Bill and Ted.

👍459 👎127

BIll and Ted

The most excellent pair of best friends. They are most non non non heinous, and are absolutely outstanding. The movies are slightly pointless, and very laid-back. That is most excellent.

Ted:"Why get decent instruments when we don't even really know how to play."
Bill: "And that my friend is why we need Eddie Van Halen."
Bill and Ted:"Excellent!"*air guitar*

👍197 👎47

BIll and Ted

Bill S. Preston Esquire and Ted 'Theodore' Logan, two halves of the most excellent and savoury comic duo. Saved the world through air guitar, and unlikely masters of time travel in the early 90's. Funnier than Waynes World. Had a most un-heinous rock band called Wyld Stallions, featuring medieval wenches on drums and keyboards and the Grim Reaper on bass.

I am, Bill S. Preston Esquire... and I am Ted 'Theodore' Logan... and we are... WYLD STALLIONS! Excellent! (Guitar noise)

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