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What is Ass raped?

Anal Raping

👍181 👎107

Ass raped - video


Ass raped - what is it?

to force anal sex upon someone; sodomize.

Puppy in "Retarded Animal Babies," in the episode "Fucky Fucksgiving": If you say one more FUCKING WORD about some movie with a Red Rocket BB Gun or whatever, I swear to Christ I'll ass-rape you with a handful of rusty corncob holders!

👍79 👎37

What does "Ass raped" mean?

To be completely taken advantage of unwillingly by something or someone, usually in a situation where you have no other choice.

I got completely ass raped by the cashier at airport parking.

👍123 👎61

Ass raped - what does it mean?

Something that you really don't want to do, or exhausts you

"Doing all this homework is like ass rape!"

👍461 👎249

Ass raped - meaning

To shove your cock in another's ass with extream malice.

You fucken bitch! I will teach your cheating ass! im going to ass-rape you!

👍75 👎29

Ass raped - definition

to forcefully insert one's penis into a male or female's anus without consent and subsequently ejaculate into their rectum.

I ass raped that punk ass bitch and cummed all over them.

👍459 👎195

Ass raped - slang

to be fucked in the ass, forcefully and unwillingly. the victim can be a man or woman, but the ass raper is always a dude.

prison guy #1:oh shit, there goes my soa...AHHHHH FUCK YOU
prison guy #2: shut up bitch and take it like a man
prison guy #3: dude, check out that guy getting ass raped,
he should have had a rope on that soap.
prison guy #4: i wish i could get some action

👍263 👎101

Ass raped

To force sex with someone or somethings ass.

Bryant G. ass raped his dog.

👍625 👎259

Ass raped

to be Beated down by, defeated by, or "mind-blown" by; or to just simply be raped up the ass

I was ass raped by that test.

👍399 👎107

Ass raped

Something that will happen to you in prison if you drop your soap in the shower

I was raped by Bubba because I dropped my soap in the shower.

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