Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Asphyxia?

choking caused when the drawstring of a participants pants or shorts get tangled around another's neck while they are engaged in a dry sixty nine

That dude almost died from drawstring asphyxia while he was dry sixty nining his prude girlfriend.

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Asphyxia - meme gif

Asphyxia meme gif

Asphyxia - video


Asphyxia - what is it?

Putting your bare asshole over someone's nose while they are sleeping causing them to wake up from lack of oxygen.
When they wake up, you fart.

Paul passed out the other night from drinking too much bourbon so Randy decided to throw down the assblast asphyxia. Unfortunately for Paul, Randy had some Taco Bell earlier that day causing him to shart all over Paul's face.

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What does "Asphyxia" mean?

asphyxia caused by intentionally strangling oneself (or holding there breath) while masturbating in order to intensify the orgasm through reduced oxygen flow to the brain. (can become lightheaded and feel of faint.

my girl was choking my chicken and she thought i was in autoerotic asphyxia and i nearly passed out

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Asphyxia - what does it mean?

Having a choking fetish

Yeah I was having sex with this girl and she told me to suffocate her a little. She had a kink for Erotic Asphyxia

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Asphyxia - meaning

One member of a small group of FAQs (Fierce Afrikan Queens) congregated in New York City with a satellite outpost in Philadelphia. Other known members include Vagenda H. Christ, Debris Huxtable and Mo'Niques FiancΓ©. A loosely organized posse, the FAQs' prime objective is to keeps it real.

As a Queen who identifies as both Fierce and Afrikan, Asphyxia 8 was invited to join the infamous FAQ collective back in 2005. Not only has she kept it real in NYC since, but has assumed a leadership role as an international FAQ emissary, spokes model, spiritual guru and outspoken Barack Obama supporter.

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Asphyxia - definition

An alternative band from Meander, Tasmania, Australia.

"Hey wow, aren't Asphyxia that neato band from that place near there?"

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Asphyxia - slang

A common whore model type, which evolves from craigslist and then into cheap internet porn.

"Damn! That tattooed chick is hot!"
"Be careful, she's one of them asphyxia models."

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