Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Arse Hole?

Southern British slang meaning I ain't got a clue woss goin on.Best discription of an acid trip I've ever heard.

Fuckin ell,I can't tell me arse from a hole in the ground!

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Arse Hole - video


Arse Hole - what is it?

an arse hole said in homer simpson dialogue

youre an arse-o-mo-hole

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What does "Arse Hole" mean?

A person who mounts raids on arse holes with his fleshy cutlass.

Stay away from bars in Clapham, its full of arse hole corsairs

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Arse Hole - what does it mean?

annoying me

Joanne: Please, Please, Please, Please
Danny:Stop it now you're flicking me in the arse hole

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Arse Hole - meaning

Used by young people in the UK to describe the action of workers of the Royal Mail postage service of the UK being lazy and greedy. This term refers to the expression below, showing how little people like how bad their postage services are.

They charged me 16 quid extra for my Mr Beast merch. They can shove their stamping machines up their flaccid arse hole.

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Arse Hole - definition

If you are a known trouble maker and are regularly mean to people, you can obtain one of these so people can keep track of your unpleasant antics.
This was conceived when it became apparent that Ben Waller was too unpleasant to people, and it was deemed necessary to keep a tab on his bad behaviour by giving him 'Arse-hole points' every time he committed to being mean.
It is possible to remove points from your licence if you do kind and selfless acts, however, just like obesity, it's easier to gain that it is to lose.
Also similar to this is the 'Bitch licence', which works on the same principle but is given to females that deserve it.

Katie: Ben, you've been really mean today, I think you've been quite nasty to me!

Ben: Your face is nasty!

David: Ben, that's another point on your Arse-hole licence. That's four points you've got in the last 20 minutes bringing you to a grand total of nine.

Ben: Awww what?!

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Arse Hole - slang

A chavie wannabe goes by the name of Wayne Acott

"Oh my god he is such a arse hole!"

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Arse Hole

the english way of saying ass hole!
it basically means that your a great big git all the time or at the time the person said it to you

_______ is an arse hole
quite being an arse hole

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Arse Hole

a more proper way to refer to your butt or butt hole when in front of teachers, parents or boss

Keelie is an arse hole

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Arse Hole

A word comonly used to descride neds or other dumbassed life forms (Rangers Fans And Old People)

"look At The State Of That Arse Hole"
"Uh Oh Here Comes The Arse Hole Brigade"

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