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What is Arac?

Acronym - All races all classes. Often used in multiplayer online games to describe guilds or groups of players who admit any type of character without restriction.

The ARAC guild, Lords of Sackton, has a wide variety of members.

👍73 👎21

Arac - meme gif

Arac meme gif

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Arac - what is it?

A not very common name only givin to hot girls that are weird and just so happen to be "mexican". She is sweet at heart but will f*ck any b*tch up that talks bad bout her.

Aracelis is a sexy girl

👍459 👎143

What does "Arac" mean?

Beautiful name meaning "alter of the sky". Otherwise, heaven.
A girl who is so beautiful and angelic it hurts. She is sweet and kind and considerate and cares about everyone around her. She isn't selfish, and even though she is priveledged, she always shares.
Often blonde, with intriguing eyes.
Sometimes she seems so perfect, that others turn incredibly jealous of her.
Also, tends to be a very well-loved but lonely person.

Araceli is perfect

👍1473 👎445

Arac - what does it mean?

Gender: Feminine

Usage: Spanish

Pronounced: ah-rah-SE-lee, ah-rah-THE-lee key
Means "altar of the sky" from Latin ara "altar" and celi "sky", or Heavenly homemaker..

Araceli is a complex crazy outgoing person..

👍1549 👎413

Arac - meaning

The middle name of the most sexy, amazing, beautiful, badass, awesome, talented, lovable, cute, girl in the whole world. The future president of the world will have this middle name. Has the most magnificent voice and is a way talented dancer. If your an Aracely you probably have all the guys wanting you.

Guy1: "Dayyyuuummm, did you see that girl over there bro!?"
Guy2: "Oh yeah dude!!! I bet ya shes an Aracely with her amazing looks"

👍741 👎189

Arac - definition

The most amazing and cool girl ever. If you are lucky enough to meet and hang out with an Aracelis you are very lucky by far! She make you feel like a star! You must love and cherish an Aracelis. She will make you look good among your friends and many men and women will be jealous of you. She only selects a few friends and lovers to be close to. She is always very fun, she is very exciting to be around, wise, and she is never at a loss for words. Her voice alone is very enchanting. You will love her laugh. She is naturally very sexy. You will have to be friends first to win her heart. You will never forget an Aracelis ever.

"That girl right there....her name is Aracelis. Don't even look at her, man. She is mine!"

👍75 👎17

Arac - slang

An Aracely can derive from many different branches of girl types. Usually this girl will be high spirited and pretend everything is fine. She prefers to be indoors with books and movies. Also tends to be quite the fangirl.

She may look sweet and innocent but really she can kick your ass if she is pissed off enough.

She will also tend to want to spook you if she can.

You are so aracely sometimes, you know?

👍167 👎35


A really pretty awesome Latina female she's really freaky, will commit mistakes but fix them late on in life. She's really complex and nice you wouldn't regret having an Araceli. She when is a teen will probably date a guy with his name starting with an R :) a guy shouldn't let her go for anything in the world she's a keeper no matter what situation

Man: you dating Araceli

Boyfriend: yeah she's the best

Man: don't let her go she's a keeper.

👍183 👎33


These girls are beautiful, sweet, caring, and are 2 thick. Like dayummmmm. Dat ass.

They have a beautiful smile that can brighten everyone's day.

Aracely's always have a positive mindset and always go above and beyond with everything they do.

1st guy: "Dude, she looks drop dead gorgeous."
2nd guy: "Must be an Aracely."

👍981 👎189


One of the most beautiful, stunning, and breath-taking girls you'll ever meet. Undoubtably, they are always loving and caring. They can be extremely stubborn at times, but it'll always make you laugh because it's adorable. Her smile can light up a thousand rooms, and also never fail to make your day better. If you find an Araceli, don't ever let go.

"Hey man, are you dating Araceli?"

"Yeah, I'm the luckiest guy alive"

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