Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Alt-left?

Traditional math questions alt-right politicians blame for their bad or negative influence on students, which create math anxiety or instill the fear factor in them.

In most cases, semi-numerate politicians themselves are clueless how to solve these alt-left math questions, who often attribute the high innumeracy rate among certain racial or religious groups to pure laziness and poor study habits.

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Alt-left - meme gif

Alt-left meme gif

Alt-left - video


Alt-left - what is it?

A mystical youtube rabbit hole that leads young men into a downward spiral of radical beliefs.

My cousin Johnny went down the alt left pipeline and now he is a meninist

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What does "Alt-left" mean?

anyone who dares to express disagreement with Trump followers. While at the same time blaming the other side entirely for any problems.
example: Donald Trumps response to Charlottesville

Trump follower: I was at a peaceful demonstration . I only had a helmet, riot shield and a gun to protect myself and an alt-left thug with a can of mace sprayed me .

Trump follower 2: They should all be locked up.

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Alt-left - what does it mean?

A term coined by members of the alt right and the right-wing media to try to draw parallels between Neo-Nazis/White supremacists on the one side and those who protest against them, sometimes violently. In contrast to "alt right," which was coined by the alt-righters themselves to mainstream themselves with a more legitimate-sounding title for their racist, anti-Semitic, misogynist agenda, the term "alt left" was coined by alt-righters in order to marginalize those who oppose them. "Alt left" seems to be an umbrella term currently thrown at everyone from Democrats, to people who speak out against racism, sexism, homophobia, and anti-Semitism, to those who call for anarchy and may even support that call with violence, in an effort to sideline them all.

If you are in favor of taking down a statue of a confederate war general, then you must be from the Alt Left.

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Alt-left - meaning

The vector of linear time in contraposition to the vector of cyclical time.

The momentum of effective or linear time.

The vector of effective time is alt-left.

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Alt-left - definition

A made up word to create a false equivalence between the far right and anything vaguely left-seeming that the alt-right do not like.

β€œWhat about the β€˜alt-left’ that came charging at, as you say, the β€˜alt-right’?” Donald Trump

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Alt-left - slang

Anybody who doesn't like Nazis, apparently.

Calling people who don't like Nazis the alt-left is like calling people who don't savor the consumption of human flesh alt-vegetarians

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A keyboard shortcut that returns you to whatever brought you here.

Hint: Using Alt-Right after should return you here again.

This wasn't the web page I was looking for, so I alt-left.

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1. (noun) The part of the "left" that is anti-feminist, anti-intersectionality, transphobic, homophobic, Islamophobic and antisemitic, believes in conspiracy theories about the Frankfurt School, and calls the rest of the left SJW cucks. In short, they are the alt-right wearing anarchist and communist clothing, for reasons known only to them.
2. (adjective) Characteristic of the alt-left.

1. wtf, i followed this Marxist Memes Facebook page and it's run by the alt-left
2. sounds alt-left but ok

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1) People, who ban other's freedom of speech, because they feel "uncomfortable" hearing different opinions.
2) People, who physically assault other individuals, and damage both public and private property in the name of "peace" and "love".
3) People, who care more about their selfish desires and arrogant views than about the country they live in.

Why is everyone so supportive of alt-left destroying our nation? When will finally someone stop those alt-left terrorists?

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