Definder - what does the word mean?

What is All fucked up?

It means you're fucked up by all this shit. You just can't deal with this anymore. Like what the fuck? This shit got me fucked up. Im out bitches.

"Ms. Smith is giving us so much work man, she got me all kinds of fucked up!"

👍61 👎21

All fucked up - video


All fucked up - what is it?

when something is so messed up you can't even describe it. totally wrong.

cop: that murder in the park was all kinds of fucked up.

👍25 👎11

What does "All fucked up" mean?

When someone is intoxicated to the extreme. Can be off alcohol, weed, other drugs, or a combination of any of them.

Dude, I had 15 beers then hit the bong so hard. I was all sorts of fucked up.

👍45 👎13

All fucked up - what does it mean?

To get in or be in the state of a high, confusion or danger. As in getting fucked from all angles or directions.

1) "We hooked up some good shit and got all kinds of fucked up."

2) "She was the shit, after the date my heart and mind were all kinds of fucked up."

3) "Then the cops pulled us over and with what we had on us, we were all kinds of fucked up."

👍103 👎29

All fucked up - meaning

1. To be state to someone that they got you in a very, VERY bad situation. 2. To tell someone that you totally disagree with them.

1. Man, shit! I let you borrow my card and you maxed that shit out?! Bitch, YOU GOT ME ALL FUCKED UP!!!

2. You think that I'm gonna double date with yo fine-ass girlfriend's fat nasty sista just so the two o you can get out tonight? Man, nigga...YOU GOT ME ALL FUCKED UP!

👍229 👎97

All fucked up - definition

1. You have confused me with someone that you can fuck with.

2. Your thinking about me is wrong.

Give me back my makeup bag.

Sit down, trick.

Bitch, you got me all fucked up! Hand it over.

👍239 👎51

All fucked up - slang

Screwed uo

I think you are all fucked up

👍31 👎21

All fucked up

all fucked up (awl fuk tup) adj.
1. the condition or state of being of an object, place or person
2. (slang) under the influence of drugs or liquor

1. Condie Rice (to herself) "I'll be a son of a bitch! I wanted to continue my shopping spree in NYC but now the Gulf Coast is all fucked up. Guess I'll have to go see it."

2. Maryanne: "For fucksake Sue! Did you get high again?"
Sue: "Fuck off Maryanne."
Maryanne: "Honey, you really do look all fucked up."
Sue: "Jesus Christ Maryanne, Just put some clean piss in this Elmer's Glue bottle in case I'm tested at the clinic."

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